Readers discuss Mark Zuckerberg's charitable announcement. AFP Photo
Readers discuss Mark Zuckerberg's charitable announcement. AFP Photo

Charity must be acknowledged at every level

With regards to your editorial, Zuckerberg joins an exclusive club (December 3), the Facebook founder should be applauded for his generosity.

However, I do not believe he is being any more generous than a restaurateur of modest means who gives out free meals, or those on a limited income who give to charity or share with the needy in their community.

It is all relative when it comes to charity.

Henriette Arends-van Kessel, New Zealand

I am struck by the amount of money being spent on charity. The question is whether anything has happened so far with all this money?

Gere George Kuruvilla, Dubai

Why do people have to complain? Why not just say, what a nice gesture, good for him and move on?

Nicola Mundie, Abu Dhabi

Rethinking the open office

Concerning your report, Why more than a third of Middle East employees cannot concentrate at work (December 3), open offices have reduced productivity and concentration because everyone is always "available" for a "quick chat" about something.

It works in offices like marketing, where there is a lot of teamwork, but other offices require concentration.

Chris Reid, Dubai

Riders deserve taxi choices

After reading your report on taxis, Dubai's transport regulator sets sights on Uber and Careem (December 3), I knew this would happen sooner or later.

Now that taxis here are getting more expensive, enough of us are waking up to the fact that you can actually be driven where you need to go in a clean, fresh car by a driver who doesn't think he's competing at the Indy 500, for pretty much the same price as a death ride in a car that reeks of body odour.

So the obvious thing to do is make the better service more costly instead of improving standards. Marvellous.

Name withheld by request

If the RTA provided an adequate service, I wouldn't use the competition. The competition is only doing well because they provide a better, safer alternative.

You could try to learn why they are doing so well and improve your service. The cost is not an issue in my case.

Dani Lapin, Abu Dhabi

I am disappointed that Dubai regulators reacted this way to competition. But then, I wonder whether I should be disappointed.

Aslam Moola, Abu Dhabi

A big thank you on National Day

Regarding your photo gallery, Festivities mark UAE National Day in Abu Dhabi (December 3), I have been writing every year about the UAE and National Day and do not know anymore what to say.

I have said it all already: the UAE we all love, for its optimism, brilliant vision and compassion for so many matters. I wish people from every nation around the world would come to the UAE, to learn from our laws and our genuine attempts to create a better world for everyone.

It is therefore with a humble heart I once again congratulate the UAE, its people and Government, and all expats who work hard to make this great country the great nation it is.

Brigitte von Bulow, Abu Dhabi

In praise of the Dubai lifestyle

With regards to your opinion piece by Shatha Almutawa, Remembering Dubai, and the people who make it home (December 3), Dubai has been my home for the past 26 years.

I feel privileged to be born and raised in Dubai and I admit that it is like no place else in the world.

I am proud to have witnessed the country grow from deserts to major global cities. I feel truly blessed to have been a part of this tremendous transformation that has now taken the world by storm.

The UAE is a wonderful blend of culture, tradition and modernism. The country's tolerance and openness towards people from diverse countries and religions is what makes it all the more special and praise worthy.

Fatima Suhail, Sharjah

There's no place like Dubai! My home country is South Africa but my heart country is the UAE.

Carla Botha, South Africa

Dubai is one of the most amazing cities I have lived in.

Matiur Rahman, Australia
