African elephants in the Serengeti national reserve in northern Tanzania. Tony Karumba / AFP
African elephants in the Serengeti national reserve in northern Tanzania. Tony Karumba / AFP

An alternative take on elephant conservation and the ivory trade

Landmark decisions were made about wildlife when members of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (or Cites) gathered in South Africa.

The elephant was a key subject of discussion at the conference. The first proposal was to ban the sale of all African elephants, but this failed as it did not receive the required majority.

Zimbabwe has long argued that the proposal contravenes the Convention of Biological Diversity, the Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines for the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity, which confirm the right and the need for the sustainable use of natural resources.

Apart from that, some southern African countries have large elephant populations that need to be managed. I grew up in the Zaka rural area of Zimbabwe where elephants would wreak havoc every night, destroying huts and crops, instilling fear among villagers.

The elephant population has continued to increase in parts of Zimbabwe, particularly in the Hwange-Matetsi Complex where the estimated elephant population is 54,000. However, there have been significant declines in populations elsewhere in the country, according to conservation groups.

There are limited resources in the Hwange-Matetsi Complex, resulting in elephants sometimes roaming into villages in search of food and water.

This threatens the survival of other species of plants and animals. An adult elephant, for example, drinks about 200 litres of water a day. Catering for a large number of them is a challenge, especially in the dry season.

To help manage the elephant population, countries such as Zimbabwe have been exporting elephants. The move also allows countries in southern Africa to raise funds to take care of the remaining animals in parks, as budgetary allocations alone are paltry.

Another proposal made at the Cites meeting – and overwhelmingly voted for by 180 countries – was the maintenance of the international ban on trade in ivory and rhino horn and the closure of domestic ivory markets. Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe had proposed to sell their ivory to raise funds for conservation.

The decision was applauded by conservationists, including the World Wildlife Fund and others, who argue that the elephant population has been declining due to poaching and opening up any legal trade in ivory would complicate efforts to conserve them.

Ginette Hemley, head of the WWF delegation, commented: “It could offer criminal syndicates new avenues to launder poached ivory, undermining law enforcement, and would undercut efforts to reduce the consumer demand that is driving the mass poaching.”

But an umbrella ban on ivory trade does not automatically kill the illegal trade market. Strategies should have been discussed on how to deal with illegal trade.

Cites should also have focused discussions on the issue of security of animals in parks and how countries can be assisted to beef up security using innovative technologies to avoid poaching.

An umbrella ban somehow assumes that all ivory is gathered through poaching, which is not true. In many cases, elephants that would have died from natural causes are dehorned and that is how the ivory has been accruing over the years.

Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri, Zimbabwe’s environment minister, has said: “Zimbabwe has 96,000 tonnes of ivory and if sold we can get $9.6 billion [Dh35.2bn].”

However, it won’t be able to sell this huge stockpile. Countries such as Kenya have had to burn their ivory.

The interesting point about Zimbabwe is that if it were to be allowed to sell its ivory, it would be able to clear much of its international debt and be able to get fresh concessionary loans to jump-start its economy.

An alternative move for Cites would have been to allow for the legal sale of ivory gathered from natural elephant deaths.

Clemence Machadu is a writer based in Harare

Key figures in the life of the fort

Sheikh Dhiyab bin Isa (ruled 1761-1793) Built Qasr Al Hosn as a watchtower to guard over the only freshwater well on Abu Dhabi island.

Sheikh Shakhbut bin Dhiyab (ruled 1793-1816) Expanded the tower into a small fort and transferred his ruling place of residence from Liwa Oasis to the fort on the island.

Sheikh Tahnoon bin Shakhbut (ruled 1818-1833) Expanded Qasr Al Hosn further as Abu Dhabi grew from a small village of palm huts to a town of more than 5,000 inhabitants.

Sheikh Khalifa bin Shakhbut (ruled 1833-1845) Repaired and fortified the fort.

Sheikh Saeed bin Tahnoon (ruled 1845-1855) Turned Qasr Al Hosn into a strong two-storied structure.

Sheikh Zayed bin Khalifa (ruled 1855-1909) Expanded Qasr Al Hosn further to reflect the emirate's increasing prominence.

Sheikh Shakhbut bin Sultan (ruled 1928-1966) Renovated and enlarged Qasr Al Hosn, adding a decorative arch and two new villas.

Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan (ruled 1966-2004) Moved the royal residence to Al Manhal palace and kept his diwan at Qasr Al Hosn.

Sources: Jayanti Maitra,

How to protect yourself when air quality drops

Install an air filter in your home.

Close your windows and turn on the AC.

Shower or bath after being outside.

Wear a face mask.

Stay indoors when conditions are particularly poor.

If driving, turn your engine off when stationary.

The bio

Date of Birth: April 25, 1993
Place of Birth: Dubai, UAE
Marital Status: Single
School: Al Sufouh in Jumeirah, Dubai
University: Emirates Airline National Cadet Programme and Hamdan University
Job Title: Pilot, First Officer
Number of hours flying in a Boeing 777: 1,200
Number of flights: Approximately 300
Hobbies: Exercising
Nicest destination: Milan, New Zealand, Seattle for shopping
Least nice destination: Kabul, but someone has to do it. It’s not scary but at least you can tick the box that you’ve been
Favourite place to visit: Dubai, there’s no place like home

UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
The biog:

Languages: Arabic, Farsi, Hindi, basic Russian 

Favourite food: Pizza 

Best food on the road: rice

Favourite colour: silver 

Favourite bike: Gold Wing, Honda

Favourite biking destination: Canada 

Israel Palestine on Swedish TV 1958-1989

Director: Goran Hugo Olsson

Rating: 5/5


Our Time Has Come
Alyssa Ayres, Oxford University Press

The Bloomberg Billionaire Index in full

1 Jeff Bezos $140 billion
2 Bill Gates $98.3 billion
3 Bernard Arnault $83.1 billion
4 Warren Buffett $83 billion
5 Amancio Ortega $67.9 billion
6 Mark Zuckerberg $67.3 billion
7 Larry Page $56.8 billion
8 Larry Ellison $56.1 billion
9 Sergey Brin $55.2 billion
10 Carlos Slim $55.2 billion

No more lice

Defining head lice

Pediculus humanus capitis are tiny wingless insects that feed on blood from the human scalp. The adult head louse is up to 3mm long, has six legs, and is tan to greyish-white in colour. The female lives up to four weeks and, once mature, can lay up to 10 eggs per day. These tiny nits firmly attach to the base of the hair shaft, get incubated by body heat and hatch in eight days or so.

Identifying lice

Lice can be identified by itching or a tickling sensation of something moving within the hair. One can confirm that a person has lice by looking closely through the hair and scalp for nits, nymphs or lice. Head lice are most frequently located behind the ears and near the neckline.

Treating lice at home

Head lice must be treated as soon as they are spotted. Start by checking everyone in the family for them, then follow these steps. Remove and wash all clothing and bedding with hot water. Apply medicine according to the label instructions. If some live lice are still found eight to 12 hours after treatment, but are moving more slowly than before, do not re-treat. Comb dead and remaining live lice out of the hair using a fine-toothed comb.
After the initial treatment, check for, comb and remove nits and lice from hair every two to three days. Soak combs and brushes in hot water for 10 minutes.Vacuum the floor and furniture, particularly where the infested person sat or lay.

Courtesy Dr Vishal Rajmal Mehta, specialist paediatrics, RAK Hospital

The Perfect Couple

Starring: Nicole Kidman, Liev Schreiber, Jack Reynor

Creator: Jenna Lamia

Rating: 3/5