US condemns Israeli settler violence against Palestinians in West Bank

Settlements are illegal under international law and ultimately weaken Israeli security, says envoy

A slogan in Hebrew and graffiti are daubed on the wall of a Palestinian house after an attack by illegal Israeli settlers in Al Lubban ash-Sharqiya in the occupied West Bank. AFP
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Washington's top UN envoy voiced concern on Tuesday over the number of Palestinians being killed in the occupied West Bank due to Israeli settler attacks.

Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield also reiterated the Biden administration’s position that the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements is an obstacle to achieving a two-state solution and is inconsistent with international law.

“We’re concerned about the significant sharp rise in deadly violence against Palestinian civilians by settlers in the West Bank and condemn it in the strongest terms,” Ms Thomas-Greenfield told the UN Security Council in New York.

She added that the settlements ultimately weaken Israeli security.

The settlements and outposts are communities built on land occupied by Israel since the 1967 war. They are illegal under international law.

Ms Thomas-Greenfield urged Israel to work in co-ordination with the Palestinian Authority to prevent the attacks.

Algeria’s ambassador to the UN, Amar Bendjama, told the Security Council the situation in the West Bank would deteriorate if Israel did not cease its policy of settlement expansion.

“Settlers’ violence has reached an unprecedented level, often perpetrated under the protection of the Israeli military who, under international humanitarian law, have the obligation to protect the Palestinian civilians,” he said.

Slovenia’s UN ambassador Samuel Zbogar said abuse by Israel was unacceptable, highlighting an incident at the weekend when soldiers strapped Mujahed Abbadeh to the bonnet of a military vehicle and drove through Jenin in the occupied West Bank.

Palestinian UN envoy Riyad Mansour reminded council members that Israel is defying every measure the international community has taken to support Palestine’s freedom.

“We will do our part, as we have done in the worst of circumstances, with an ironclad commitment to the rule of international law, but the party breaching the law every single day must be held accountable. The laws are adopted to ensure justice and there can be no justice without enforcement,” he said.

As tensions along the Israel–Lebanon border escalate, with cross-border exchanges of fire increasing in recent days, Noa Furman, Israel's deputy ambassador, urged the Security Council to exert pressure on Hezbollah in Lebanon and emphasised Israel would not tolerate continuing attacks from the Iran-supported group.

“In an all-out war, Hezbollah, which has been violating Security Council resolutions for years, endangering both the Israeli and Lebanese people, as well as UN peacekeepers, will pay the price,” warned Mr Furman.

Updated: June 25, 2024, 5:27 PM