The initiative will also focus on collecting data from all nine raptors
A three-year initiative will monitor gyrfalcon on the Seward Peninsula in Alaska. All photos: The Peregrine Fund
Gyrfalcons are the world’s largest falcon species, with females reaching 65cm long with a wingspan of 160cm
Researchers will also focus on the snowy owl, the rough-legged hawk, the austral pygmy owl, the rufous-tailed hawk, the rufous-legged owl, the striated caracara, the white-throated caracara and the white-throated hawk
The threats facing polar raptors include altered breeding behaviour and success rates
The project will aim to identify habitats suitable for all nine polar raptors species by 2070
The initiative will also focus on collecting data from all nine raptors
A three-year initiative will monitor gyrfalcon on the Seward Peninsula in Alaska. All photos: The Peregrine Fund
Gyrfalcons are the world’s largest falcon species, with females reaching 65cm long with a wingspan of 160cm
Researchers will also focus on the snowy owl, the rough-legged hawk, the austral pygmy owl, the rufous-tailed hawk, the rufous-legged owl, the striated caracara, the white-throated caracara and the white-throated hawk
The threats facing polar raptors include altered breeding behaviour and success rates
The project will aim to identify habitats suitable for all nine polar raptors species by 2070
The initiative will also focus on collecting data from all nine raptors
The impact of climate change on falcons - in pictures