A harvester loads wheat into a lorry near Malopolovetske, 100km from Kyiv. AFP
A harvester loads wheat into a lorry near Malopolovetske, 100km from Kyiv. AFP

Ukraine sends wheat to relieve hunger in Gaza

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Ukraine has sent 1,000 tonnes of wheat to Gaza through Jordan as part of a 7,000-tonne package for the war-battered Palestinian territory.

The shipment, announced by the Ukrainian embassy in Amman, is Kyiv's first participation in the international effort to assist more than two million people struggling with acute shortages of food, water, fuel, medical care and shelter after nine months of war.

Jordan, together with Egypt, has acted as a launch pad for aid into Gaza amid Israeli restrictions on aid deliveries since the war began in October.

The Ukrainian embassy said wheat was sent from Jordan to Gaza through Israel, using a land corridor partly overseen by the UN World Food Programme. Another 6,000 tonnes earmarked “for Palestine” will follow.

“We will do whatever we can to guarantee that the victims of the war in Palestine don't suffer from hunger,” said Myroslava Shcherbatiuk, Ukraine's ambassador to Jordan.

“We hope that the cargo will help people in need in Gaza receive essential food and show our solidarity,” she added.

“Ukraine stands with the people of Gaza and for the two-state solution in this decades-long conflict.”

The aid is part of the Grain from Ukraine programme launched by Kyiv two years ago to supply wheat to international organisations and directly to countries facing food shortages. Under the programme, grain has been shipped to Somalia, Yemen, Sudan, Nigeria, Lebanon and other countries.

Ukraine is one of the largest exporters of wheat but flows have been affected by Russia's invasion in February 2022 and a subsequent blockade of its Black Sea ports.

According to Ukraine's agriculture ministry, grain production in 2024 is expected to drop to 52.4 million tonnes, from 60 million tonnes in 2023.

Kyiv has been making diplomatic efforts to try to change perceptions of the war in Jordan and other Arab countries.

These countries have largely refrained from criticising Russia but most voted in favour of a UN General Assembly resolution that condemned the invasion and demanded an immediate Russian withdrawal.

Russia and Iran, which has been a main ally of Moscow in the Ukraine war, project a tough pro-Palestinian stance.

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Common OCD symptoms and how they manifest

Checking: the obsession or thoughts focus on some harm coming from things not being as they should, which usually centre around the theme of safety. For example, the obsession is “the building will burn down”, therefore the compulsion is checking that the oven is switched off.

Contamination: the obsession is focused on the presence of germs, dirt or harmful bacteria and how this will impact the person and/or their loved ones. For example, the obsession is “the floor is dirty; me and my family will get sick and die”, the compulsion is repetitive cleaning.

Orderliness: the obsession is a fear of sitting with uncomfortable feelings, or to prevent harm coming to oneself or others. Objectively there appears to be no logical link between the obsession and compulsion. For example,” I won’t feel right if the jars aren’t lined up” or “harm will come to my family if I don’t line up all the jars”, so the compulsion is therefore lining up the jars.

Intrusive thoughts: the intrusive thought is usually highly distressing and repetitive. Common examples may include thoughts of perpetrating violence towards others, harming others, or questions over one’s character or deeds, usually in conflict with the person’s true values. An example would be: “I think I might hurt my family”, which in turn leads to the compulsion of avoiding social gatherings.

Hoarding: the intrusive thought is the overvaluing of objects or possessions, while the compulsion is stashing or hoarding these items and refusing to let them go. For example, “this newspaper may come in useful one day”, therefore, the compulsion is hoarding newspapers instead of discarding them the next day.

Source: Dr Robert Chandler, clinical psychologist at Lighthouse Arabia

Updated: July 25, 2024, 5:36 PM