Lebanese Prime Minister Mikati meets Iranian foreign relations chief Kamal Kharrazi

They discussed regional issues and relations between the two countries

Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati, who met the head of Iran's Strategic Council for Foreign Relations, Kamal Kharrazi. Reuters

Lebanon's Prime Minister Najib Mikati met Kamal Kharrazi, head of Iran’s Strategic Council for Foreign Relations, the state's National News Agency has reported.

The two sides discussed regional issues and relations between Lebanon and Iran. The meeting, on Thursday, was attended by Iran's Ambassador in Beirut Mojtaba Amani.

Mr Kharrazi also met Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of Hezbollah, to discuss political developments in the region.

Mr Kharrazi arrived in Lebanon on Wednesday after a visit to Syria where he held a meeting with Syrian President Bashar Al Assad and other top officials.

In Lebanon, Mr Kharrazi also met Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdullah Bou Habib, Iran's Tasnim News agency reported. The two officials discussed international and regional issues, as well as the political situation in Lebanon.

Mr Bou Habib welcomed the recent agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia, saying it could lead to greater stability and positive changes in the region.

Mr Kharrazi underlined Iran's support for the formation of a strong and capable government in Lebanon without any foreign interference and based on the will and desire of the Lebanese people.

The Iranian official also met Lebanon's Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri. The meeting touched on the general situation in Lebanon and the region and the relations between the two countries.

Updated: March 24, 2023, 7:29 AM