A young girl carrying nargis flowers, which represent creativity, forgiveness and vitality
A young girl outside her house in Antakya, Turkey, one of few left standing in the neighbourhood after the earthquake. All photos: Antonie Robertson / The National
A balloon seller on a busy street lined with optometrists and pharmacies
A seller makes sandwiches in the central bazaar
Stallholders trade against a backdrop of destroyed buildings that were once shops and homes
In February 2023, a 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit Turkey and Syria
Stalls and shops in the old market, which was partially destroyed by the earthquake, have been rebuilt and restocked with goods
A salep seller with his many customers
Sundried peppers and eggplant are ingredients used in dolma, a popular Turkish dish
Stalls among the ruins of an apartment block
A young boy outside his home, which survived the quake
Men play backgammon in the central bazaar
An orange tree in the half-destroyed courtyard of a family home still bears fruit
A young girl carrying nargis flowers, which represent creativity, forgiveness and vitality
A young girl outside her house in Antakya, Turkey, one of few left standing in the neighbourhood after the earthquake. All photos: Antonie Robertson / The National
A balloon seller on a busy street lined with optometrists and pharmacies
A seller makes sandwiches in the central bazaar
Stallholders trade against a backdrop of destroyed buildings that were once shops and homes
In February 2023, a 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit Turkey and Syria
Stalls and shops in the old market, which was partially destroyed by the earthquake, have been rebuilt and restocked with goods
A salep seller with his many customers
Sundried peppers and eggplant are ingredients used in dolma, a popular Turkish dish
Stalls among the ruins of an apartment block
A young boy outside his home, which survived the quake
Men play backgammon in the central bazaar
An orange tree in the half-destroyed courtyard of a family home still bears fruit
A young girl carrying nargis flowers, which represent creativity, forgiveness and vitality