Archaeologists uncover 2,600-year-old blocks of white cheese in Egypt

The find was made at Giza's famed Saqqara necropolis, one of Egypt's most extensive archaeological sites

A team of archaeologists at Cairo's Saqqara, where blocks of white cheese dating back 2,600 years were unearthed.
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An Egyptian archaeological mission working in Giza’s prominent Saqqara necropolis has unearthed several blocks of white cheese dating back to the 26th dynasty of ancient Egypt (664–525 BC).

A statement from the country’s antiquities ministry said the find was accomplished during the first round of excavations of the mission’s sixth season, which kicked off on Saturday.

According to the statement, the mission unearthed a number of clay receptacles containing the cheese, inscribed with Demotic script — ancient Egyptian writing also found on the Rosetta Stone royal decree.

The mission reportedly found a number of other containers that are expected to be opened in the coming days.

The Saqqara necropolis houses one of Egypt’s largest collections of relics. Since 2018, various missions in the area have unearthed a number of high-profile finds, including a cache of more than 100 sarcophagi, which was the subject of a 2020 Netflix documentary.

On Friday, the Giza plateau inaugurated the King Khufu Centre, a new visitor facility on the western side of the plateau.

High-end restaurant Khufu’s also opened there on Friday.

The centre and restaurant were built by Orascom Pyramids Entertainment, a private developer.

Updated: September 12, 2022, 6:57 AM