UAE 'strongly condemns' Israel's storming of Al Aqsa

Scores of protesters were injured when Israeli forces confronted worshippers at holy site in Jerusalem

The UAE has strongly condemned the storming of Al Aqsa Mosque and its compound by Israeli forces on Friday, which resulted in injuries to more than 150 civilians.

Israeli authorities should respect the right of Palestinians to practise their religious rites and halt any practices that violate the sanctity of Al Aqsa Mosque, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation said in a statement published by the state news agency, Wam.

The ministry called for self-restraint and for protection for worshippers at the site.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society said 153 people were injured by rubber bullets, stun grenades and tear gas fired by Israeli security forces who entered the Al Aqsa mosque compound after Friday morning prayers.

The ministry said Jordan's custodial role of the site needed to be respected, as well as the authority of the Jerusalem endowment that manages the affairs of Al Aqsa Mosque.

It also stressed the need to end illegal Israeli practices that threaten the two-state solution and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The UAE continues to support all regional and international efforts to advance the peace process in the Middle East, the ministry said.

Updated: April 16, 2022, 10:15 AM