Syria and Russia begin joint air patrols along borders

Flightpath included Golan Heights armistice line with Israel

A Russian jet fighter prepares to take off from a base in Syria, where joint patrols with Syria's air force have been launched. AP

Syrian and Russian military jets flew joint patrols in airspace along Syria's borders on Monday, Russia's Defence Ministry said.

The two countries plan to conduct the flights regularly, the Interfax news agency reported.

The path of the group included the Golan Heights, the armistice line with Israel where there have been regular Israeli air strikes against suspected Iranian and Hezbollah positions. The group included fighter, fighter-bomber and early warning and control aircraft.

Russian forces have been present in Syria since 2015, when they helped turn the civil war's tide in favour of President Bashar Al Assad.

Witnesses and rebel sources said Russian jets bombed areas near the north-western Syrian city of Idlib, the last opposition-held bastion, in January.

Updated: January 24, 2022, 9:53 AM