Summer in Europe: 8 destinations added to European Union's White List for safe travel

The US, Lebanon and Hong Kong have been added to list of 17 destinations from where non-essential travel is permitted

Eight new destinations, including the US, have been added to the EU's White List of places from where non-essential travel is permitted. Unsplash / Gabriella Marino

Holidaymakers planning a trip to Europe this summer will be able to do so from eight new destinations.

EU authorities are adding new destinations to the White List from where non-essential travel is allowed.

The United States is among the countries and territories being added to the White List, meaning that travellers may be able to fly to any of the EU member states from the US for holidays and without Covid-19 restrictions.

Lebanon, Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong have also been added to the list ahead of the busy summer holiday season, reported AFP.

Travellers from 17 destinations on the EU's White List, including the US, Hong Kong and Lebanon, will be able travel to EU member states for non-essential reasons. Unsplash / Alicia Steels
Travellers from 17 destinations on the EU's White List, including the US, Hong Kong and Lebanon, will be able travel to EU member states for non-essential reasons. Unsplash / Alicia Steels

The EU White List will now comprise a total of 17 destinations, although it is not yet clear from when the update will take effect.

The move is another step towards a return to normal life for EU countries.

Member states can decide whether or not to require travellers from any destination on the White List to undergo Covid-19 testing or quarantine upon arrival.

However, EU authorities recommend that these travellers are exempt from the restrictions and limits that were imposed by a blanket EU travel ban introduced in March 2020.

The 17 destinations on Europe's White List

Lebanon is among eight new destinations added to the EU White List. Unsplash / Piotr Chrobot
Lebanon is among eight new destinations added to the EU White List. Unsplash / Piotr Chrobot
  1. Australia
  2. Albania
  3. Hong Kong
  4. Israel
  5. Japan
  6. Lebanon
  7. North Macedonia
  8. Macau
  9. New Zealand
  10. Rwanda
  11. Singapore
  12. Serbia
  13. South Korea
  14. Taiwan
  15. Thailand
  16. United States
  17. China

UK excluded from EU White List

The UK remains absent from the most recent update to the list, making travel between Europe and Britain not yet open for non-essential reasons.

Rising Covid-19 cases in England have delayed the lifting of lockdown restrictions in the country. Prime Minister Boris Johnson pushed back the country's so-called "Freedom Day", which was set for Monday, June 21, to keep legal restrictions on social contact for another four weeks.

The UK is currently battling rising Covid-19 case numbers linked to the Delta variant of the virus.

The EU White List is set to be reviewed every two weeks and destinations can be added or removed depending on the coronavirus situation in each place.

Individual member states can also open to travellers from destinations not included on the White List if they choose.

Spain and France have already reopened to tourists who have received both doses of an approved Covid vaccine, and Switzerland is set to open to fully vaccinated travellers from Monday, June 28.

Italy is welcoming travellers flying into the country to select airports so long as they come via Covid-tested flights.