Our feet are wondrously complex structures, each made up of 26 bones, 33 joints and an intertwining network of more than 120 tendons, ligaments and nerves. With the average adult aiming to take 10,000 steps each day, our feet and lower limbs can be subjected to some pounding.
The demands made on our feet and legs when walking can lead to a range of injuries, even as a result of short strolls. Most of us will have endured a blister (caused by friction hotspots within ill-fitting shoes), while many women happily risk spraining an ankle in towering heels.
Suffering from calluses? Review your shoe size. A callus is protective dead skin that builds up to shield the foot when it’s sliding about in footwear that is too big. Corns and bursas on the tops and sides of the toes can be caused by footwear that is too narrow in the toe box, while shoes that press on the toes can be the culprit for ingrown toenails.
“The key to keeping your feet injury-free, regardless of the type of walking you do, is wearing properly fitting shoes,” says Michelle Champlin, the founder and chief podiatrist of Dubai Podiatry Centre.
Whether you are preparing for a lengthy hike through the UAE’s wadis or spending a few hours browsing around a mall, wearing proper footwear is vital.
Wearing the wrong shoes can not only lead to foot injury, but can also pave the way for worsening underlying issues such as over-pronation (rolling in) or plantar fasciitis (heel pain).
Footwear that does not provide enough shock absorption in the sole, meanwhile, can lead to stress fractures to the metatarsal bones. Torn ligaments, shin splints (leg pain), knee pain, lower back pain and other joint or muscle problems from ill-fitting or inappropriate footwear all increase the risk of long-term injury.
A word of warning to the UAE’s legion of flip-flop fans: even though you may not be conscious of it, wearing flip-flop-style shoes encourages the foot to over-pronate in order to hold the flip-flop on your foot.
And it’s bad news for the women who are devoted to hard-core heels: sky-high stilettos pose a health hazard to anyone who plans on teetering much farther than desk to espresso machine.
“Stilettos greatly alter one’s walk by forcing all your weight forward onto your toes and squashing your toes together, putting extra stress on your outer hip muscles and tendons, inner knees and lower back, and causing a range of issues from bunions and corns to a shortening of the Achilles tendons,” cautions Champlin.
While we rarely give a second thought to the action of walking from point A to point B, there is, in fact, a “correct” technique, reveals Champlin.
“Walking is a heel to toe movement,” she says. “Comfortable and efficient walking begins with a good foot strike, which allows your ankle to move through its complete range of motion.”
The four steps to achieving the best walking technique are:
• Step forward landing slightly on the outer edge of your heel;
• Roll forward onto the ball of the foot;
• Raise your heel and push off with your big toe;
•As the heel of your leading foot is striking, ensure you are being propelled forward by your back foot pushing off the ground.
With a correct walking technique we enable our feet to achieve their two main objectives: stability and mobility. Not only do our feet keep us stable and upright, but they also act as levers to help move us forward. Plus they absorb shock and carry us through different paces or gaits – from walking to sprinting.
According to Champlin, about 30 per cent of people have a “normally” functioning foot; 95 per cent of the remainder are most likely to over-pronate, while 5 per cent will over-supinate (rolling outward).
“Foot strike varies to some degree between strides and between individuals, and varies significantly between walking and running, and between wearing shoes and going barefoot,” she adds.
Signs that your walk may need investigating by a podiatrist include foot or leg pain, an unusual wear pattern on your shoes, such as one shoe wearing faster than the other, or the outsides or insides of the heel or sole showing extreme wear and tear.
with a multitude of walking experiences on offer in the UAE, from flat jogging tracks in many of the parks to sand dunes and beaches or winding, mountainous trails in the wadis of Ras Al Khaimah and Fujairah, is there an ideal surface for our feet to walk on?
As long as you are in overall healthy condition, Champlin says there is no “optimum” surface. “The human foot is an amazing feat (excuse the pun) of biomechanical engineering and can cope with a huge variety of surfaces and conditions,” she says.
“Make sure that you are wearing appropriate footwear for the type of walk, such as boots with good ankle support for unstable, rocky terrain – where you are more at risk of an ankle sprain – and avoiding thin-soled or un-cushioned footwear for hard concrete.”
When it comes to selecting footwear for walking, you will find everything from open walking sandals with straps to trail sports shoes and hiking boots (see left). Given the warm climate of the Middle East, it’s important to take into account the heat factor.
“Look for breathable mesh uppers, lightweight, moisture-wicking materials and a cushioned sole,” advises Champlin. “If you opt for sandals, remember to apply sun block to protect the skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays.”
Heat and humidity will make you sweat more – feet included – so it’s important to make sure that your shoes are thoroughly dried out and aired between wears and that fresh socks are worn.
Champlin suggests using an antifungal shoe spray between wears to prevent infections. “Fungal infections thrive in dark, moist environments, so a hot, sweaty foot within a shoe is perfect.”
Given the hefty pounding our feet endure on a daily basis, it’s vital to pay careful attention to looking after our feet.
“Maintain good hygiene by washing feet regularly and keeping toenails trimmed short and straight – don’t cut down the sides,” Champlin advises. She also recommends massaging the feet and legs with a light, non-greasy leg balm containing refreshing, cooling oils such as peppermint.
As we age, we naturally lose some of the fatty padding on the sole of the foot, which can lead to heel pain as we lose the body’s natural shock absorption. However, Champlin adds: “as long as you take good care of your feet, live a generally healthy and active lifestyle – exercising, eating right and not smoking – there is little reason not to have healthy feet for your whole life”.