Press back up, walking your hands back towards your feet. Lee Hoagland/The National
Press back up, walking your hands back towards your feet. Lee Hoagland/The National

Move of the Week: Pilates push-up

Lashley Pulsipher, a Pilates instructor at Exhale fitness studio in Dubai, demonstrates the last exercise in our eight-part weekly series of Pilates workouts. Do this move alone, or incorporate it into your own fitness routine. Go to, where we collect the workouts and post video demonstrations.

"A press-up is always a great full-body exercise; this Pilates variation stretches the back and the backs of the legs while increasing shoulder stability."

Do one press-up - or as many as you can manage - with your elbows in, close to your ribs.

Press back up through what is almost like a downwards dog position from yoga, walking your hands back towards your feet.

Roll up slowly, articulating the spine, creating suppleness and length in the back of the body.

Top tip: "What makes this Pilates press-up different is that it's a tricep press-up, not a straight chest-press."

Mat Pilates classes at Exhale start from Dh60; Reformer Pilates costs Dh400 for a package of five sessions or Dh750 for 10. For details and timings, visit or call 04 424 3777

How to become a Boglehead

Bogleheads follow simple investing philosophies to build their wealth and live better lives. Just follow these steps.

•   Spend less than you earn and save the rest. You can do this by earning more, or being frugal. Better still, do both.

•   Invest early, invest often. It takes time to grow your wealth on the stock market. The sooner you begin, the better.

•   Choose the right level of risk. Don't gamble by investing in get-rich-quick schemes or high-risk plays. Don't play it too safe, either, by leaving long-term savings in cash.

•   Diversify. Do not keep all your eggs in one basket. Spread your money between different companies, sectors, markets and asset classes such as bonds and property.

•   Keep charges low. The biggest drag on investment performance is all the charges you pay to advisers and active fund managers.

•   Keep it simple. Complexity is your enemy. You can build a balanced, diversified portfolio with just a handful of ETFs.

•   Forget timing the market. Nobody knows where share prices will go next, so don't try to second-guess them.

•   Stick with it. Do not sell up in a market crash. Use the opportunity to invest more at the lower price.