Working from home certainly has its perks, but as the weeks roll by, many people will start to miss the bustle of a busy office. But thanks to a new website, you can at least make your home sound like your workplace. While it might not recreate the Sunday morning catch-up or the afternoon water cooler chat, <a href="" target="_blank"></a> mimics the background noises that will be familiar to most desk workers. From ringing phones and printers to the distant hum of background conversation, the website allows you to play white noise to help you feel like you are in the office. There is even the odd sneeze and sniff thrown in, as well as the sound of heels clicking as a virtual colleague walks by. The sound is played over a graphic on the website's homepage, allowing you to click on certain symbols, such as the water cooler or phone, to play that specific sound effect. Users can also add or subtract workers from the equation, controlling the level of sound to mimic different office sizes, depending on what you are used to. There is also a particularly annoying hum and someone who laughs just a little too loud, because, let us face it, every office has them. The website is the work of Kids Creative Agency, a company which describes itself as "dedicated to making organisations more agile and innovative by designing the right culture". It has been launched as a global resource for the millions of people now working from home as a result of the <a href="">coronavirus</a> pandemic. <em>Find more information and try it for yourself <a href="">here</a>.</em>