#healthyliving magazine: Inside the family issue

This month’s #healthyliving magazine is dedicated towards family. Learn about how to get your young ones on the path to good health from childhood.

How and where to take your family on holiday from the UAE

Ditch the pool on your next family holiday and take an action-packed trip that embraces the outdoors. Read more

Why your child needs an hour exercise a day and how to give it them

An hour of activity each day is essential for school-age kids, but sometimes that's easier said than done. Read more

ADCB’s Bikeshare intiative a success

Cyclists have clocked up the equivalent of two trips around the world since ADCB Bikeshare launched last December. Read more

It takes a community to combat diabetes

Tackling diabetes requires involvement from all sectors of the community – parents, teachers, schools and society – says Dr Amani Osman. Read more

Why the first five years of a child’s development are the most important

Why spending too much time in front of a screen can limit on your child's development, language and social skills. Read more

UAE fitness events for September and October 2015

A guide to the fitness events happening in the UAE. Read more

Guest column: Jillian Michaels on juggling being a fitness guru with being a mum

Jillian Michaels talks about the struggle of managing fitness while being a mother of two. Read more

My sport: rugby player Iziq Foa’i

Catching up with the rising young star ahead of his move to United Kingdom. Read more

Healthy Living news: #WalkWithMe, listening to music reduces pain and World Heart Day

The UAE’s Imperial College London Diabetes Centre is encouraging residents to get active through a series of community walks, listening to music can significantly reduce pain and anxiety and it is World Heart Day on September 29.

Examining the links between food and autism spectrum disorder

The right diet can help manage the symptoms of autism and ADHD. Stephanie Karl explains the science behind it. Read more

From pre-conception to teenage years, a look at eating right every step of the way

Nutritional needs change as we age, but what should we be feeding our children and when? Read more

A parent’s battle plan for surviving birthdays

It's four days into the start of term and already Clare Dight has five invitations pinned to the fridge and two waiting for responses online. Read more

5 nutritious snacks that young children will enjoy

Young children need energy to help them grow and develop, both physically and mentally. These needs can be met with a variety of smaller nutritious meals containing nuts, fruits, vegetables and grains. Read more

Healthy munchies recipes for kids

The culinary team from Fairmont the Palm, Dubai share with us three easy recipes to make for kids. Read more

Schools are getting a head start on healthy habits with physical activity and nutritional awareness

Schools are jumping at the opportunity to make physical activity and nutritional awareness an integral part of the community. Read more

Nutrition and fitness consultant Bernadette Abraham on how to instil good food choices from a young age

How can parents instil good food choices in their children when they are so susceptible from outside influences? Read more


The final word: On the importance of teaching her children to eat healthily

If you've ever tried to hide smashed vegetables in macaroni and cheese, you probably have kids. And they probably have very clear ideas on what they'll eat. Read more

The years Ramadan fell in May






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