Former world boxing champion and Olympic silver medallist Amir Khan, 33, has recently announced that he will be moving to Dubai. The British boxer is no stranger to the city, having been spotted frequently while on holiday. However, on Tuesday, he said he was planning to move from the UK to Dubai in the coming months. Khan was at the Coca Cola Arena in the emirate for the launch of membership platform X by OJ Lifestyle, founded by his long-time friend, Omar Jackson. The announcement comes as Khan is gearing up for an official retirement from boxing. However, it doesn't look like he's done with the sport just yet. Khan is aiming to shape the emirate's boxing scene with the launch of an academy in association with Dubai Sports Council. He will also be stepping into the business side of the sport in partnership with Jackson to launch a new gym. The Box by OJ Lifestyle will open at the Coca-Cola Arena at the end of the year. "I've tried to keep it a secret, but I thought it would be a good change," says Khan. "I'll still be going back and forth between Bolton and Dubai, but I want to do a lot more in Dubai and I'm in talks with the Dubai Sports Council and Omar Jackson to improve the boxing landscape here. “Moving here is definitely a challenge, but also an opportunity to open more doors for boxing in Dubai.” The former unified light-welterweight world champion was last seen <a href="">visiting Dubai at the end of July</a> to celebrate his wife Faryal Makhdoom's birthday. At the time, the pair were spotted at Marbaiya Restaurant and Cafe in Dubai Marina. Khan also shared a picture with his 1.3 million followers of himself relaxing at Jumeirah Al Naseem, with Burj Al Arab in the background.