Trendspotter: A time for words

Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation launched its iPad-only newspaper The Daily amid great hype in February 2011.

Here, implied News Corps and its partner Apple - and an enthusiastic gaggle of media commentators - was the future of publishing: a newspaper as a digital product, made bespoke for tablet devices, sold for $0.99 (Dh3.63) a week with no physical incarnation. Murdoch himself summed up the advantages at the launch event in New York: "There's no paper, no multimillion-dollar presses, no trucks, and we're passing on these savings to the reader. The target audience is the 50 million Americans expected to own tablets in the next year."

It all sounded so promising. Fast-forward 22 months, though, and the dream is already over. News Corp closed The Daily on December 15 for a simple reason: too few readers, meaning too little revenue. The future of publishing is not, it seems, as simple as we thought.

There's been much post-mortem analysis of The Daily over the past few weeks. One persuasive vein of analysis has it that the publication failed because - like almost all the digital publications out there today - it never really was a digital publication. Instead, it simply took the content, presentation and the whole nature of a traditional print newspaper and plastered that all over an iPad screen. We still don't know what a truly digital publication looks like, runs this analysis, because we haven't invented it yet.

Coincidentally, though, a few weeks before The Daily folded, a new magazine began life that some commentators believe really does point the way towards the future of publishing. And it looks a whole lot different from The Daily.

This new publication - available for the Apple Newsstand - is called simply The Magazine and it's a general interest read for people who love technology. So far, so standard. But The Magazine is the creation of Marco Arment, the creator of Instapaper - a reading app that saves online articles for later reading and presents them via a stripped down, text-only layout. Crucially, The Magazine is informed by the same pared-down sensibility: it publishes once every two weeks, presenting just four articles of around 1,000 words, each via a single, scrollable page with minimal to no illustration.

Is this, then, what the future of publishing really looks like? The influential technology, design and content blogger Craig Mod thinks so. Soon after the arrival of The Magazine he wrote a long blog post titled Subcompact Publishing ( that quickly went viral. In the post, Mod compares the disruptive potential of The Magazine to that of the subcompact cars that Honda pioneered in the late 1960s.

People, runs this argument, don't want print magazine style publications on their digital devices. While they work well on paper, on touch-screen they become cumbersome, difficult to navigate and visually busy. Instead, digital devices and the tablet reading experience demands the kind of stripped down publication embodied by The Magazine.

Crucially, the economics work, too. The Daily had 100,000 subscribers generating about $3 million (Dh11m) in revenue, but even that wasn't enough to fund the large editorial team it took to produce it. The Magazine, by contrast, has one editor - Arment - and pays four writers a modest fee - cover those costs and the rest is profit.

Sure, subcompact is not yet a fully realised media trend. But 2013 could see the arrival of a swathe of subcompact publications. And that very well might mean a whole new, and resolutely digital, world for print media.

David Mattin is lead strategist at

How to protect yourself when air quality drops

Install an air filter in your home.

Close your windows and turn on the AC.

Shower or bath after being outside.

Wear a face mask.

Stay indoors when conditions are particularly poor.

If driving, turn your engine off when stationary.


Uefa Champions League quarter-final, second leg (first-leg score):

Manchester City (0) v Tottenham Hotspur (1), Wednesday, 11pm UAE

Match is on BeIN Sports


UAE Division 1

Abu Dhabi Harlequins 12-24 Abu Dhabi Saracens

Slow loris biog

From: Lonely Loris is a Sunda slow loris, one of nine species of the animal native to Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore

Status: Critically endangered, and listed as vulnerable on the International Union for Conservation of Nature red list due to growing demand in the global exotic pet trade. It is one of the most popular primate species found at Indonesian pet markets

Likes: Sleeping, which they do for up to 18 hours a day. When they are awake, they like to eat fruit, insects, small birds and reptiles and some types of vegetation

Dislikes: Sunlight. Being a nocturnal animal, the slow loris wakes around sunset and is active throughout the night

Superpowers: His dangerous elbows. The slow loris’s doe eyes may make it look cute, but it is also deadly. The only known venomous primate, it hisses and clasps its paws and can produce a venom from its elbow that can cause anaphylactic shock and even death in humans

The Kingfisher Secret
Anonymous, Penguin Books

The Two Popes

Director: Fernando Meirelles

Stars: Anthony Hopkins, Jonathan Pryce 

Four out of five stars