The Beauty Spy: on anti-ageing

You won’t see her, but she’s there, in the salons, spas and shops, and she’s happy to share her secrets on anti-ageing

I am at a crossroads. There are only two choices: one involves surgery; the other does not.

Things are getting bad. My face is suddenly showing serious signs of ageing. My jaw-line is sagging. The wrinkles around my eyes are so pronounced I can hardly bear to smile. I now hide from cameras because everyone tells me I look moody in pictures. Looking either moody or old. What kind of a choice is that?

I have realised that there is only so much I can achieve now by non-invasive methods such as eating well, sleeping lots, wearing sunscreen, exfoliating, having facials, spending money on face creams with “miracle” ingredients, and all the other countless things women do to try to stay as good looking as possible for as long as possible.

Creams and the like don’t help when there are major structural problems. What is needed is surgery.

I have travelled all around the world looking for the best anti-ageing products and treatments. I have tried everything from laughter yoga to Botox. But I swore I would never go under the knife.

“How stupid,” I argued, “would I feel if I died under the anesthetic? Or if they made a mistake and my face was even worse off than it was before I paid thousands to get it ‘fixed’?”

Now I am beginning to think I may not have a choice. I simply cannot go on deteriorating in this manner. It seems that the ageing process, from which I have been largely spared until now, has accelerated at an alarming rate.  If it carries on I will look 60 before the summer.

I have started looking into the possibilities of some minor procedures, especially around the eyes. Just a little nip here and a little tuck there. It is expensive, and painful and risky but is it a small price to pay to be able to put on eyeliner without it looking like it was drawn on by a giddy spider? Or maybe I should just give up eyeliner?

As I said I have started looking into it. But there is one more option I am going to try first. In the course of my research I have discovered that there is in fact a third path at this crossroads. It is a route involving lasers and electricity.

I have invested in a machine that looks like a pair of headphones called a Slendertone. This contraption sends electrical currents into my facial muscles and will supposedly tighten them. Added to which I have booked myself in for a course of five hours of laser treatment that the blurb calls a “lunch-hour facelift” and promises to tighten any sagging jaw.

I will keep you posted on my progress, but for the moment, the knife can wait.

3 of the best

Turn back the clock with these anti-ageing serums, a cocktail of ingredients for younger looking skin

A silky velvet serum that helps fight skin fatigue. With light diffusion technology and a blend of powerful antioxidants, skin looks brighter with an overall lift.

This lightweight formula is made with a customised blend of key amino acids to help maximise collagen levels for younger looking skin. Ideal under your moisturiser, increasing skin's overall resilience and elasticity.


An excellent primer for make-up and a great booster under regular night cream, this concentrated serum has been proven to restore the skin's structure.

m loves - The Eye Balm Intense

La Mer's latest secret to ageless eyes is their new Eye Balm Intense. The blurb on the jar promises "seaborne elixir"and claims it is a "miracle broth". As lovers of Crème de la Mer, we at M decided to give this product a road test. Experts say this groundbreaking eye treatment helps to revitalise the eye area, leaving it less puffy. The result? We love the texture and how a dab goes a long way. Our eye areas look fresher and dark circles are fading. Miracle broth or not, we're sold.
La Mer Eye Balm Intense, Dh725, Harvey Nichols, Mall of the Emirates,
04 4098 888; Bloomingdale's, Dubai Mall, 04 3505 333; Paris Gallery stores
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