There was a noticeable buzz in the air following the conclusion of the inaugural BarCampUAE conference in Dubai Internet City yesterday. Although the conference drew roughly two-dozen or so attendees, each must have left DIC's Building 3 satisfied that they got exactly what they were looking for.
And what exactly did some of the region's youthful technologists actually receive? Plenty of answers while raising even more questions.
From social media ethics to cloud computing services to virtualisation
software to encouraging people to redesign the way they live, each talk
yielded informative and lively discussion. It was no traditional
conference by any means as well. Social media web services such as
12seconds web conferencing, Twitter hashtags (#barcampUAE, naturally)
and blogs were highlighted throughout the day. A Lego play area set up
in one room designed to let BarCampUAE attendees create their "passion"
using plastic toy blocks was interesting, to say the least.
Perhaps the most spirited discussion was centered around the concept of how to bring the ultralight start-up business model to the UAE moderated by entrepreneur Hashim Ahmed.
finally coming to terms with what ultralight start-up companies
actually are - that is, when you're ready to quit your day job and
focus entirely on your start-up - the informal discussion quickly
became centered on the issue of business licenses in the UAE, a common
hurdle many attendees were currently trying to negotiate. But with
looming obstacles in the horizon, those same entrepreneurs acknowledge
the potential the regional market held for technology start-ups. Just
how much risk they are able to undertake may be a discussion for the
next BarCampUAE event.
While this is not a full-fledged review
- this reporter did not attend every talk conducted on Saturday - it is
heartening to see that the local technology community rally together
and embark on the beginning of an exciting adventure. Although many of
these conferences in North America seem to take place every day, their
influence is rapidly bleeding over to the UAE. While nothing was really
physically created at the first BarCampUAE, the local tech community
will be well served to continue these events until the fruits of their
labour materialise.
If you attended BarCampUAE, please share your thoughts on the day's event below in our comment section.