, who have done a good job positioning themselves as the go-to people for smart thoughts about Middle Eastern social media, have released a in the region. (We have in the past.) Sure, the internet is going through a bit of a toward Facebook and its sketchy approach to privacy, and the site has already been banned in Pakistan due to the hosting of offensive cartoons. But it is important to remember that in the big picture, Facebook makes every other "big" thing - Twitter, the iPhone, Scandinavia, the airline industry - . In the Middle East, the site is growing fast, but has not yet reached the email-like universal adoption found in Western markets - although it's only a matter of time. For now, 15 million people in the region are using the site, and the Dubai-based spin-doctors took a look of who they are and how you, oh Reputable Marketer, can bleed some money out of them. . Monetising the invasion of privacy has never felt this good.