Home improvements: Turn song lyrics into special pieces of art

We're always on the lookout for ways to create our own affordable, personalised art, so were delighted to come across this great idea on A Beautiful Mess, our blog du jour.

The Simple Song Painting really is as simple as can be and requires nothing more than some black acrylic paint, small paint brushes and a white canvas.

All you have to do is paint your favourite song lyrics onto your canvas.

We’d recommend writing the lyrics out lightly in pencil first, just to make sure you get everything on there and you have a guide once you start painting, but your handwriting certainly doesn’t have to be perfect. You can play around with styles and include as many flourishes as you like.

Try joining up letters and words, or experimenting with lower and upper case; the simplicity and stark contrast of black against white will ensure that the finished piece will always be stunning.

Make sure you choose lyrics that mean something to you – the first dance at your wedding, a summer anthem that reminds you of a fab holiday or a favourite song from childhood, for example – to ensure that this becomes a piece you will always treasure.

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Dan Brown
