Make a point of opening windows to allow fresh air to move through your home. Courtesy Bronte by Moon
Make a point of opening windows to allow fresh air to move through your home. Courtesy Bronte by Moon

Here are 8 ways to improve the air quality in your home

As we all spend more time indoors, it is important to consider the quality of the air inside our homes.

If left lurking, dust, dirt, mould, mites and other allergens can lead to respiratory problems – something we should all be trying to avoid at this time. So here are some straightforward ways to improve the air quality in your home.

Open some windows

An obvious point, perhaps, but the easiest and cheapest way to enhance air quality is to have some fresh air circulating through your home. Keeping your windows shut all day, with the AC on, will allow chemicals and allergens to build up inside.

Invest in an air purifier

Look for an option with a CADR (clean air delivery rate). The higher the number, the faster it will filter your air.

Clean thoroughly

A clean house is a healthier house, so try to keep on top of the housework. Clear away clutter, as this will trap and hold dust particles, and make sure to vacuum carpets and rugs at least once or twice a week, with a vacuum cleaner that has a Hepa filter. Regularly mop wood, tile and marble floors. While now is not the time to be getting your curtains and sofas deep cleaned, do vacuum your upholstery to try to limit the number of dust particles embedded in there. Clean bedding and cushion covers regularly and try to dry in direct sunlight.

Change up your cleaning products

Many of the most commonly used cleaning products feature toxic components, so if you can avoid breathing these in, all the better. Try to source products that contain food-grade ingredients such as coconut oil, and are fragrance-free. Alternatively, incorporate products already in your larder, such as baking soda, lemons and vinegar, into your cleaning routine.

Wipe down AC vents

Although you can't give your AC units a proper service, you can at least wipe down the vents to make sure there isn't any dust, or other nasties, accumulating there. We recommend mixing a few drops of tea tree oil in some water and then wiping down all your vents. This has natural anti-bacterial properties, and will also smell great.

Groom your pets regularly

Dead skin cells shed by our four-legged friends are another common culprit when it comes to indoor air pollution, so make sure you are washing and brushing your pets regularly.

Light some candles

Beeswax candles have air-purifying qualities, as they release negative ions while they burn. They are also 100 per cent natural and will keep your home smelling great.

Green up your space

Plants can help improve indoor air quality but, contrary to popular belief, their impact will be minimal, so don’t purely rely on them to keep things fresh. Peace lilies, snake plants, English ivy, Chinese evergreen and rubber plants are your best options.