Everybody makes mistakes - but here are a few simple ones to avoid when you are decorating your home. Don't rush. One of the most common mistakes people make is trying to do too much too quickly. It may be tempting to go into one showroom and buy everything you need, but your home will end up feeling soulless and impersonal. Take time to find pieces that you really, really like - particularly when it comes to artwork and accessories. Don't be afraid to mix and match. Your home should be a reflection of who you are and how you like to live; experiment with colour, scale and styles. Ultimately, your home needs to be lived in. Those 15 pillows on your bed might look great, but can you really be bothered to move them all every night before you get into bed? Design features shouldn't end up becoming a nuisance. Don't forget about proportions. Furniture that is too big for a room will make it look cramped and untidy. Similarly, decorating a small room with too-small furniture will just draw attention to the lack of space. Finally, don't be afraid to make use of big mirrors. They will double the size of your room and reflect lots of light, making your space feel bigger and brighter. sdenman@thenational.ae Follow us Follow us on <a href="https://www.facebook.com/thenationalArtsandLife">Facebook</a> for discussions, entertainment, reviews, wellness and news.