Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed has shared new photos of his baby boy, Sheikh Rashid bin Hamdan, on Instagram. The Crown Prince of Dubai revealed two new photos with the tot at England's Godolphin, the Maktoum family's private horseracing stables. He wrote: "Training and education should start early on. Rashid and Sheikha came to see Adayar and wish him the best!" Sheikh Rashid and his twin sister, Sheikha Sheikha bint Hamdan, were born in May. In the first photo, the Crown Prince is holding his baby boy up close to Adayar, the Irish-bred, British-trained Thoroughbred racehorse that won the 2021 Epsom Derby. In the relaxed photo, Sheikh Hamdan is wearing light grey jeans and a tan hooded jacket, with a green T-shirt visible. Sheikh Rashid is wrapped up in a teal onesie and fluffy blue coat, with a white and grey hat. The photo was taken on an overcast day in the UK. In a second photo, he can be seen posing with his son in front of the Godolphin logo. On Saturday, the Crown Prince shared a photo of his uncle, Sheikh Saeed bin Maktoum bin Juma, better known as Uncle Saeed, outside the London Underground station on Oxford Street. Sheikh Hamdan was wearing a black mask and jumper, while Uncle Saeed wore a blue coat and white mask. On Friday, he posted a series of photos at the stables, posing with several different horses. His wardrobe was equally relaxed, opting to wear grey trainers, jeans and a light blue jumper. On August 15, he posted a photo on a plane but did not disclose his destination, cryptically captioning the photo with only a pin.