Muqbool Ahmed Tailoring in Satwa, one of the many artisan stores in the area
As the end of Ramadan approaches, tailors in Dubai's bustling Satwa neighbourhood are working overtime to prepare. All photos: Antonie Robertson / The National
One of the most popular traditions associated with the festival is wearing and giving new clothes on the first day
Shawkat Siyan from Muqbool Ahmed Tailoring cuts a pattern for an Eid outfit
Pieces of fabric strewn around inside the busy workshop of Ghazal Al Madeena Men Tailoring
For many Muslims, the act of giving new clothes is also a way to express gratitude and appreciation for their blessings
Gift-giving is a significant part of the celebration, and new clothes are just one example of the many gifts exchanged during this time
At tailors such as Muqbool Ahmed Tailoring, staff are working overtime to finish orders
The tradition of giving new clothes is just one example of the many ways in which Muslims express their joy and gratitude during this special time
In addition to new clothes, many families also prepare special meals and desserts to share with their loved ones and neighbours
Scores will pick up garments over the next few days
Customers choose fabrics for new clothes at Ghazal Al Madeena
Muqbool Ahmed Tailoring in Satwa, one of the many artisan stores in the area
As the end of Ramadan approaches, tailors in Dubai's bustling Satwa neighbourhood are working overtime to prepare. All photos: Antonie Robertson / The National
One of the most popular traditions associated with the festival is wearing and giving new clothes on the first day
Shawkat Siyan from Muqbool Ahmed Tailoring cuts a pattern for an Eid outfit
Pieces of fabric strewn around inside the busy workshop of Ghazal Al Madeena Men Tailoring
For many Muslims, the act of giving new clothes is also a way to express gratitude and appreciation for their blessings
Gift-giving is a significant part of the celebration, and new clothes are just one example of the many gifts exchanged during this time
At tailors such as Muqbool Ahmed Tailoring, staff are working overtime to finish orders
The tradition of giving new clothes is just one example of the many ways in which Muslims express their joy and gratitude during this special time
In addition to new clothes, many families also prepare special meals and desserts to share with their loved ones and neighbours
Scores will pick up garments over the next few days
Customers choose fabrics for new clothes at Ghazal Al Madeena
Muqbool Ahmed Tailoring in Satwa, one of the many artisan stores in the area