Saudi Arabia's Supreme Court announced on Friday that Eid Al Adha will be celebrated on Tuesday, July 20, after the crescent of Dhu Al Hijja was not sighted on Friday evening. “Mutaib and Ibrahim Al Barghash recorded their testimony from the Tamir observatory and said that the crescent of the month of Dhu Al Hijja could not be sighted,” the Saudi Press Agency reported. The annual Hajj pilgrimage takes place during Dhu Al Hijja, the last month of the Islamic calendar. The day of Arafat will take place on July 19, the agency added. “Pilgrims will gather on the 17th evening in Jeddah and buses will arrive in Mina shortly after midnight,” a Hajj tour operator told <i>The National</i>. Hajj will begin on July 18 and end on July 22 this year. Saudi Arabia’s Hajj Ministry said pilgrims will be received through four main reception centres on July 17 and 18. A fleet of buses equipped to transport pilgrims to ensure their safety will be available, the ministry said. The Hajj Ministry launched an online portal for domestic pilgrims to book arrivals to Makkah. “The Hajj and Umrah sector is going through a transformational stage and needs development sectors to help this transformation,” Dr Abdel Fattah Mashat said during a research and innovation workshop held for Hajj and Umrah services.