Jeff Bezos, chief executive of Amazon. AFP 
Jeff Bezos, chief executive of Amazon. AFP 

Amazon US online market share cut to 38% from 47%, says researcher

A closely watched researcher has cut its estimate of Amazon's share of the US e-commerce market after incorporating new figures from the company.
EMarketer, among the most widely cited sources for estimates of US online retail sales, says it now expects Amazon to account for 37.7 per cent of online commerce this year, down from a prior estimate of 47 per cent. The new market share numbers were reported earlier Thursday by The Information, a tech news website.
An Amazon spokesman said EMarketer reached out to the company's analyst relations group after chief executive Jeff Bezos disclosed that independent merchants accounted for 58 per cent of gross merchandise sales on the retail site - the first time the company had made that metric public.
EMarketer's revision comes as Amazon, along with Google, Facebook and Apple, face calls for an examination of their market power. Regulators in recent weeks divvied up antitrust oversight of the four companies, a sign to some observers that formal inquiries could be forthcoming.


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Amazon downplays its market size, saying it represents 4 per cent of total retail spending in the US. Some of its critics say it's important to consider the company's clout specifically in e-commerce since spending online is growing at triple the pace of overall retail.
In a veiled riposte to would-be trustbusters, Mr Bezos disclosed the percentage of gross merchandise sales from merchants in a letter to shareholders in April. "Third-party sellers are kicking our first-party butt. Badly," he wrote.
An EMarketer spokesman said the company based its updated forecast on the disclosure in Mr Bezos's shareholder letter, and didn't receive any exclusive information from Amazon.
Estimating Amazon's scale is difficult because it isn't simply a retailer but also operates in an array of different markets, including devices, cloud computing, streaming services and more. Measuring its e-commerce market share is hard, too, because the company is both a traditional retailer and online consignment shop.
Amazon buys products wholesale and sells them directly to consumers like a typical retailer. For those transactions, Amazon reports the entire purchase price as revenue. But for transactions generated by third-party merchants, the company only records the fees and commissions it charges them. EMarketer estimates market share based on consumer spending, not Amazon revenue, so all the money shoppers spend on Amazon is counted toward its market share.
EBay discloses the total amount of money shoppers spend on its marketplace, almost $90 billion (Dh330bn) in 2018. Amazon does not, so independent firms like EMarketer must estimate it.

UAE Falcons

Carly Lewis (captain), Emily Fensome, Kelly Loy, Isabel Affley, Jessica Cronin, Jemma Eley, Jenna Guy, Kate Lewis, Megan Polley, Charlie Preston, Becki Quigley and Sophie Siffre. Deb Jones and Lucia Sdao – coach and assistant coach.

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Install an air filter in your home.

Close your windows and turn on the AC.

Shower or bath after being outside.

Wear a face mask.

Stay indoors when conditions are particularly poor.

If driving, turn your engine off when stationary.

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