Dubai rental rates continued a downward trend experienced during 2018, according to brokers. Asteco says there are now an increasing number of price-conscious tenants, irrespective of a property's location, size or quality. However, year-on-year rents are down in most categories not only luxury. What is driving the prices to fall? Hosts Mustafa Alrawi, Assistant Editor in Chief and Chris Nelson, Assistant Business Editor delve deeper. <a href="">Listen here</a>: <strong>Also in this episode:</strong> <strong>Subscribe to Business Extra to receive new episodes every week:</strong> <strong><a href="">Apple Podcasts</a> | <a href="">Android</a> | <a href="">Google Podcasts</a> | <a href="">Spotify</a> | <a href="">Audioboom</a> | <a href="">RSS</a></strong> <strong>____________</strong> <strong><a href="">Find out where rent fell in Dubai in the first quarter</a></strong>