Research shows that Chinese web surfers have some of the most obsessive internet habits in the world.
Research shows that Chinese web surfers have some of the most obsessive internet habits in the world.

Orienteering in the brave new cyberworld

While Google may have recently closed its mainland China site, many other companies are keen to focus on the 400 million internet users in the world's most populous nation. Many of those going online in China are new to the experience, since internet penetration rates have doubled in the past two years. But a lack of experience with surfing the net does not mean a lack of enthusiasm.

In fact, Yuval Atsmon, an associate principal with the consultancy McKinsey in Shanghai who has carried out studies on internet use in China for a variety of companies, says the country has some of the most obsessive internet users in the world. That, Mr Atsmon says, presents opportunities and threats to companies operating there. "The internet has come late to China," he says. "The ability of people to experience it fully has only arrived in the past one to two years, so 80 to 90 per cent of users have only been using the internet for a few years.

"We carried out home visits and consumers who only discovered the internet a year ago talked about the internet taking over every single minute of their leisure time. In one family, they fought so hard [over use of the computer] they were considering divorce. "Lunch breaks were traditionally sleeping time but they are now using it to play games or follow up on stocks." Mr Atsmon says China's internet users have not had a gradual introduction to everything that the internet can offer. Many western consumers gradually became familiar with services such as online chatting and social networking because those functions developed over the years, but Chinese users had access to them from the moment they began to surf the net.

"We have used the term 'internet obsession'," he says. "It definitely feels like a very intense relationship, particularly for consumers who've gone through this discovery process. Between 50 and 70 per cent of people would spend the majority of their leisure time on the internet." This fanatical use of the internet ties in with the fact that much more time spent online in China is for leisure rather than work; far more so than in western nations.

McKinsey's research shows Chinese internet users are online for only half a day a week for work, compared with many times that amount a week in Europe. But while European internet users chat online twice a week, for the Chinese it is twice a day. Mr Atsmon says the medium has proved "very, very powerful" in creating positive and negative images of companies. As many as a quarter of China's consumers will now not consider a major purchase without carrying out online research first; twice as many as a year ago. Mr Atsmon says online reviews have largely taken over from those in magazines in terms of their influence on consumer behaviour.

The confidence of shoppers in online information extends beyond what fellow consumers are telling them to what the companies themselves post on the internet. "Most consumers believe information online is very credible," says Mr Atsmon. "Often a company website will get the highest credibility of any website. "When we asked people whether they trusted the salesperson in the store or the website, 65 per cent trusted the website but only 50 per cent trusted the salesperson in the store."

Online shopping in China is increasing at a rapid pace, and consumer confidence in company websites makes it more imperative for companies to ensure they make best use of the internet. Marketing and branding strategies in China must be different from those employed in other markets, says Mr Atsmon, who believes some companies make a mistake by simply translating the material they had in one market and putting it online in Chinese.

He says companies can use the internet in ways not open to them with other media. For example, Nestle, trying to encourage China's tea drinkers to consider coffee instead, produced an online soap opera set in a workplace where people were having a coffee break. "The programme is just gossip but it's a very entertaining topic," says Mr Atsmon. "It's a very creative way to promote coffee. They can deliver their message in a more elaborate way [than in a television commercial]."

Bloggers have also drawn the attention of businesses trying to sell their products in China, with marketing officials looking to find "the key people" with the most influential blogs, and influencing them. But there is a risk that internet users will see through a blogger who suddenly starts singing the praises of a particular product. Companies can, therefore, benefit if they are completely open when they are courting the bloggers, Mr Atsmon says. He gives the example of one car company flying a group of bloggers out to see its factory in Europe. The bloggers described what they saw and were quite open that they had been on what was in effect a promotional trip.

Such tactics are likely to be received more favourably by consumers than more sly attempts to influence the influencers, Mr Atsmon says. "Some companies might pay [the bloggers], but the best practice is bringing these people to experience their products, educating them about the value of their goods," he says. Online communities can also be a source of information for companies that are trying to gauge consumer views about their products in an ever-changing market.

But just as the internet can be a vital way for companies to promote themselves, it also carries risks. One example was the consumer campaigns against the French supermarket chain Carrefour after protests in Paris about China's policies towards Tibet interrupted the Olympic torch relay for the 2008 Beijing Games. The rumour was spread online that the Carrefour shareholder, the LVMH Group, had made a donation to the Dalai Lama, leading to a movement to boycott Carrefour supermarkets.

Mr Atsmon says companies have also been criticised online because "netizens" did not consider donations they made at times of national crisis, such as earthquakes, were generous enough. "Particular companies have been criticised for the little they have donated," he says. "For many companies, they didn't think that number would be measured and maybe they donate in a portfolio. "Online. there's a very nationalistic interpretation that can support very quickly, like with the Olympics and Sichuan [which suffered an earthquake], and maybe there will be for Expo 2010 in Shanghai.

"Brands can use that to increase their exposure in China but there's a risk it can backfire."

Leap of Faith

Michael J Mazarr

Public Affairs


Mercer, the investment consulting arm of US services company Marsh & McLennan, expects its wealth division to at least double its assets under management (AUM) in the Middle East as wealth in the region continues to grow despite economic headwinds, a company official said.

Mercer Wealth, which globally has $160 billion in AUM, plans to boost its AUM in the region to $2-$3bn in the next 2-3 years from the present $1bn, said Yasir AbuShaban, a Dubai-based principal with Mercer Wealth.

Within the next two to three years, we are looking at reaching $2 to $3 billion as a conservative estimate and we do see an opportunity to do so,” said Mr AbuShaban.

Mercer does not directly make investments, but allocates clients’ money they have discretion to, to professional asset managers. They also provide advice to clients.

“We have buying power. We can negotiate on their (client’s) behalf with asset managers to provide them lower fees than they otherwise would have to get on their own,” he added.

Mercer Wealth’s clients include sovereign wealth funds, family offices, and insurance companies among others.

From its office in Dubai, Mercer also looks after Africa, India and Turkey, where they also see opportunity for growth.

Wealth creation in Middle East and Africa (MEA) grew 8.5 per cent to $8.1 trillion last year from $7.5tn in 2015, higher than last year’s global average of 6 per cent and the second-highest growth in a region after Asia-Pacific which grew 9.9 per cent, according to consultancy Boston Consulting Group (BCG). In the region, where wealth grew just 1.9 per cent in 2015 compared with 2014, a pickup in oil prices has helped in wealth generation.

BCG is forecasting MEA wealth will rise to $12tn by 2021, growing at an annual average of 8 per cent.

Drivers of wealth generation in the region will be split evenly between new wealth creation and growth of performance of existing assets, according to BCG.

Another general trend in the region is clients’ looking for a comprehensive approach to investing, according to Mr AbuShaban.

“Institutional investors or some of the families are seeing a slowdown in the available capital they have to invest and in that sense they are looking at optimizing the way they manage their portfolios and making sure they are not investing haphazardly and different parts of their investment are working together,” said Mr AbuShaban.

Some clients also have a higher appetite for risk, given the low interest-rate environment that does not provide enough yield for some institutional investors. These clients are keen to invest in illiquid assets, such as private equity and infrastructure.

“What we have seen is a desire for higher returns in what has been a low-return environment specifically in various fixed income or bonds,” he said.

“In this environment, we have seen a de facto increase in the risk that clients are taking in things like illiquid investments, private equity investments, infrastructure and private debt, those kind of investments were higher illiquidity results in incrementally higher returns.”

The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, one of the largest sovereign wealth funds, said in its 2016 report that has gradually increased its exposure in direct private equity and private credit transactions, mainly in Asian markets and especially in China and India. The authority’s private equity department focused on structured equities owing to “their defensive characteristics.”


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