The View from Here: Work online, but stay on top of the risks

Thanks to the internet, it's no longer necessary to haul your weary body into an office every day, a cup of lukewarm Starbucks coffee in your hand. A proliferation of sites now make it possible to bid on contract work as a way of supplementing your income.

But, like everything else to do with the net, it's a case of buyer (or seller) beware. These sites are a great way to make extra cash - if you can avoid the scammers and chancers that are invariably drawn to them.

The way it works is this: someone looking for a service - it could be a small business needing a website design, or a student needing their thesis proof-read - puts out a tender. Anyone who thinks they can fill the brief is welcome to bid. Usually, the lowest bid wins, although some sites also encourage bidders to emphasise the quality of their service, not just the price.

Among the largest sites are Guru and Elance, both in the US, and the UK's PeoplePerHour. The claim to being the biggest online jobs site, however, goes to, which is based in Australia. says it has up to 500,000 prospective workers, from IT consultants to personal assistants to humble copy editors using it to find extra employment.

The site received a recent endorsement from no less than Thomas Friedman, the Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times columnist. "I can use to find someone to do my logo and manage my back room," he wrote.

"And I can do all this at incredibly low prices."

I expect Mr Friedman used some imaginative licence in his description - even though he didn't personally outsource his skills on the site. If he had, he might have encountered a man in Pakistan with the user name "Pinky", who tendered for a writing project based on a budget of US$250 (Dh918.28).

The brief was vague. All it said was "Web-based content writer needed". This sounded easy. I put in a pitch and soon heard from Pinky. It turned out he wanted 250 articles of at least 500 words in length. Which worked out to be around a buck an hour. I think I could earn more working in a Chinese iPod factory. I turned him down.

The next job I pitched for was to proof-read a university dissertation for a user named Magnus in Australia. "Job should only require a few hours as it is light proof-reading," read his description. I entered a bid and a few days later, heard from Magnus. I had the job. But the brief had expanded a little.

The dissertation, which arrived in my inbox in a Word file, was near perfect. It did not require proofing. What it needed was to be entirely rewritten because, as Magnus put it, "It has to get through Copyscape". Copyscape, of course, is commonly used to detect plagiarism. In other words, the job was not to proof the document, but to make changes that would hide the fact that Magnus was ripping off someone else's work. Exit Magnus.

A better prospect is the PeoplePerHour website. It restricts how little an employer can put up for a job, eliminating the Pinkys. Although a few chancers get through, most of the jobs advertised seem legit. The main disadvantage is that it is not nearly as egalitarian as Almost all bids requested are for UK-based workers only.

Outright scams are also a hazard. Several posters on PeoplePerHour's forum have complained that after submitting a bid, the client asks for their bank details to make a payment. The usual process is to use PeoplePerHour's own escrow system. Which raises the suspicion that these sites are also being used by online con artists to mine for personal information they can use for data theft.

The trick to avoid dodgy job postings seems to be similar to that of eBay - check the ratings of the poster., PeoplePerHour and other sites usually provide a feedback system. A contractor can rate an employer on promptness of payment and the employer can rate the contractor on adherence to deadline and quality of work.

PeoplePerHour also tallies how much money a client has paid out. A record of regular payments is usually a sign that the employer can be trusted.

Like any new service that springs up on the internet, the early days are likely to be anarchic. But it is also clear from postings on blogs and forums that many people manage to navigate these jobs boards and supplement their incomes with regular extra work.

Gavin du Venage is a business writer and entrepreneur based in South Africa.

Tips for newlyweds to better manage finances

All couples are unique and have to create a financial blueprint that is most suitable for their relationship, says Vijay Valecha, chief investment officer at Century Financial. He offers his top five tips for couples to better manage their finances.

Discuss your assets and debts: When married, it’s important to understand each other’s personal financial situation. It’s necessary to know upfront what each party brings to the table, as debts and assets affect spending habits and joint loan qualifications. Discussing all aspects of their finances as a couple prevents anyone from being blindsided later.

Decide on the financial/saving goals: Spouses should independently list their top goals and share their lists with one another to shape a joint plan. Writing down clear goals will help them determine how much to save each month, how much to put aside for short-term goals, and how they will reach their long-term financial goals.

Set a budget: A budget can keep the couple be mindful of their income and expenses. With a monthly budget, couples will know exactly how much they can spend in a category each month, how much they have to work with and what spending areas need to be evaluated.

Decide who manages what: When it comes to handling finances, it’s a good idea to decide who manages what. For example, one person might take on the day-to-day bills, while the other tackles long-term investments and retirement plans.

Money date nights: Talking about money should be a healthy, ongoing conversation and couples should not wait for something to go wrong. They should set time aside every month to talk about future financial decisions and see the progress they’ve made together towards accomplishing their goals.

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