James Hogan, the president and chief executive of Etihad, said that despite supporting airberlin jobs, creating new employment and making a four-year investment in Germany it now finds that 'the rules have changed'.  Tony Gentile / Reuters
James Hogan, the president and chief executive of Etihad, said that despite supporting airberlin jobs, creating new employment and making a four-year investment in Germany it now finds that 'the rulesShow more

Etihad launches legal action on airberlin codesharing

Etihad Airways said on Monday it would “fight all the way” to protect its investment in airberlin, as it launched legal action to reverse a German ruling to revoke approval for 29 codeshares it operates with the German carrier.

Last week, the Administrative Court of Braunschweig ruled that the country’s ministry of transport was entitled to stop Etihad from selling tickets on some routes operated by Germany’s second-largest airline.

The court ruled that Etihad would not be able to operate codeshares on some flights from January 16 to the end of its winter schedule in March, because they were not supported by the aviation services agreement between the UAE and Germany.

Etihad said in a statement that the German transport ministry had previously approved the codeshare agreement between it and airberlin covering 63 routes. However, in the summer of 2014, the ministry of transport first raised concerns about 29 of the codeshares, based on “lobbying by Lufthansa”, Germany’s flagship airline, Etihad said.

In November, the ministry approved the 29 codeshares to continue only until January 15 this year. The ministry left the remaining codeshare agreements intact.

Yesterday, a notice of appeal was filed in the higher administrative court in Lüneburg, Etihad said.

James Hogan, the president and chief executive of Etihad, said that despite supporting airberlin jobs, creating new employment and making a four-year investment in the country it now finds that “the rules have changed”.

He said: “We will fight all the way to protect our investment, to protect our partnership with airberlin and to protect competitive choice in German air travel.”

Mr Hogan said that the company’s experience would “serve as a warning to others” seeking to make investments in Germany.

Since Etihad took a 29.2 per cent stake in airberlin in 2011, the German carrier has benefited from several hundred million euros of financing, investment and credit lines.

Etihad said on Monday that it took the stake “following encouragement from German regional and national government representatives”.

During the past 12 months, Etihad and its Arabian Gulf neighbours Emirates and Qatar Airways have been under increasing regulatory scrutiny amid allegations from US and European rivals of unfair practices in breach of open skies agreements.

The Gulf airlines say that they are being targeted for providing a superior service and greater choice for passengers that the legacy carriers are simply unable to compete with.

On Monday, Mr Hogan said the codeshares with airberlin “have created new competitive choice for German travellers” and clearly meet the terms of the air services agreement between the UAE and Germany.

Last month, the European Commission raised concerns about the way Arabian Gulf carriers operate in Europe and called for comprehensive agreements between the European Union and GCC states based on common rules and more transparency.

“In Germany, our commitment continues to be undermined by the lobbying efforts and protectionist tactics of Lufthansa, the national airline,” Mr Hogan said. “Make no mistake. Protectionism will undoubtedly harm the investment landscape in Germany.”

Airberlin is striving to complete a turnaround after financial losses in almost every year from 2008 to 2014, except for 2012, amid Europe’s harsh economic landscape and fierce competition from low-cost carriers such as Ryanair, easyJet and Lufthansa’s own budget airlines.

“As a global business, we focus our investments in markets which will deliver long-term returns. We were encouraged to invest in airberlin. However, since that initial investment, we have faced a series of significant challenges, including the introduction of airport taxes, which have directly eroded airberlin’s profitability,” Mr Hogan said.


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Stormy seas

Weather warnings show that Storm Eunice is soon to make landfall. The videographer and I are scrambling to return to the other side of the Channel before it does. As we race to the port of Calais, I see miles of wire fencing topped with barbed wire all around it, a silent ‘Keep Out’ sign for those who, unlike us, aren’t lucky enough to have the right to move freely and safely across borders.

We set sail on a giant ferry whose length dwarfs the dinghies migrants use by nearly a 100 times. Despite the windy rain lashing at the portholes, we arrive safely in Dover; grateful but acutely aware of the miserable conditions the people we’ve left behind are in and of the privilege of choice. 

What went into the film

25 visual effects (VFX) studios

2,150 VFX shots in a film with 2,500 shots

1,000 VFX artists

3,000 technicians

10 Concept artists, 25 3D designers

New sound technology, named 4D SRL


How to protect yourself when air quality drops

Install an air filter in your home.

Close your windows and turn on the AC.

Shower or bath after being outside.

Wear a face mask.

Stay indoors when conditions are particularly poor.

If driving, turn your engine off when stationary.

What is graphene?

Graphene is extracted from graphite and is made up of pure carbon.

It is 200 times more resistant than steel and five times lighter than aluminum.

It conducts electricity better than any other material at room temperature.

It is thought that graphene could boost the useful life of batteries by 10 per cent.

Graphene can also detect cancer cells in the early stages of the disease.

The material was first discovered when Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov were 'playing' with graphite at the University of Manchester in 2004.

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