A vibrating table loosens a stack of $100 bills at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington.
A vibrating table loosens a stack of $100 bills at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington.

Bank tests that put the stress on futility

There are shiploads of utterly pointless things in this odd world of ours. Exhibit A is the Porsche car, which is ugly, impractical and extravagant. Exhibit B is Paris Hilton, no explanation needed. And the latest, or Exhibit C, is the popular fad of bank stress tests.

These are apparently undertaken to provide some idea of how close the banks are from committing hara-kiri and how much money would be needed to shore them up. Banks are always concerned about their capital (more specifically their Tier 1 capital) and that capital as a ratio of their total assets. They are also concerned about something similar called the capital adequacy ratio, which is total capital divided by risk-weighted assets.

If the Tier 1 or adequacy ratio drops below a certain number (12 per cent and 8 per cent respectively in the UAE) then the banks must scramble around for more capital. The idea is that a bank must always have some money set aside (capital) in case its assets - loans and investments - turn rotten. If this happens then a bank also has to make provisions. Provisions result in losses, which eat away the capital and thus the ratios take a beating. The minimum capital is also needed in case depositors get scared and line up in their thousands with outstretched hands.

So some wag had the cunning idea of running a few "scenarios" and then stepping back to see what happens to the banks' financials and the ratios. These scenarios were "what ifs": what if there was a double dip recession?; what if a few governments actually went bust? The Americans, as pioneers in everything including custom-made financial disasters, were the first off the mark, last year. They tested 19 banks of which 10 were found to be in need of a collective US$75 billion (Dh275.46bn) of capital injection. The Europeans, not be outdone, ran their own tests this year on 91 banks and claimed seven failed, requiring a combined ?3.5bn (Dh16.43bn) to meet EU standards. A large number of the tested banks were from the usual suspect nations: Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain.

On each occasion after stress-test results were announced the financial press erupted in joy, investors cheered, stock markets rallied, credit default swap spreads dipped and the talking heads solemnly declared that truly and verily, the worst had passed and banking salvation was just around the corner. Which I find very perplexing. I've got eight solid reasons why: 1. Running these tests after the biggest financial meltdown in 70 years reminds me of photos of squadrons of heavily armed F-16s vigorously circling the Washington skies 24/7 above a burning Pentagon after the September 11 attacks; a bit too late really. The tests should have been done when bank balance sheets were growing like no tomorrow.

2. We don't know precisely what exact assumptions underlie these scenarios. As every financial modeller knows, it's "garbage in, garbage out". So unless these tests were close to reality they were a colossal waste of time - and newsprint. I'm not a huge fan of Nicholas Taleb of The Black Swan fame but I bow to the man when he declares that most major shocks are simply unpredictable. So none of these tests can replicate what the future will hold because if they did then the future would be knowable and disaster would be avoidable, wouldn't it?

3.Another reason the tests were the joke of the year: the results were overly positive. The figure $75bn is a pittance compared with the $700bn-plus allocated under the US Troubled Asset Relief Programme in 2008. And ?3.5bn is paltry compared with the ?1 trillion bailout arranged by the European Central Bank a few months ago, after the Greek financial crisis. If this is the worst our pinstriped banking chums could dream of as "scenarios" then they should be lynched for lack of creativity as well.

4. The tests revealed very few surprises and merely restated the well known. The Spaniards and Greeks already knew about their weak banks and they were already working on solutions when the tests were ordered. 5.Even more bizarre was what came after the tests. OK, so EU banks need a few billion euros. But where is this coming from? Government handouts? Initial public offerings? A generous sovereign wealth fund? The Tooth Fairy? No answer. "Just go out and get the money," said the regulators to the banks. This was not dissimilar to Lord Blackadder ordering his sidekick Baldrick to "go forth into the streets" and solicit contributions to stave off immediate financial ruin. Running the tests was the easy part - but just try raising money in these tight times.

6. I also have an issue with ratios. Capital adequacy or lack of capital wasn't what brought titans such as LTCM, Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers to their knees, it was simply lack of liquidity. At the first signs of trouble, counterparties ask for more cash collateral and these troubled firms were forced to rapidly deposit cash, sell-off assets or raise loans to post more collateral until they ran out of cash and assets to sell. Capital is simply an accounting number on the balance sheet - it does not represent cash assets held by the bank.

7. The financial crisis was triggered largely by the unregulated "shadow" banking system, not the regulated sector. It was companies such as Lehman and AIG that caused most havoc. So why isn't this sector being stress tested? Is anyone even looking at big hedge funds, those complex and opaque multibillion dollar behemoths that are "too big to fail"? 8. Why look at just the usual suspect nations? Isn't that where conventional wisdom says danger is lurking? And hence aren't those the very countries where it is least likely you'd find more nasty surprises? Has anyone, for example, looked at Russian or Japanese or Mexican banks? Remember how banks bankrupted a nation in Iceland?

So if stress tests are not the remedy, what is? Well, it's simple: get back to basics. Here are five pieces of advice for banks: 1. Put a lid on your borrowings. 2. Make sure not to borrow short and lend long. 3. Have enough liquid assets handy in the event Armageddon strikes. 4. Don't be greedy when shovelling out loans. 5. Oh, and do take a long golfing vacation every now and then - things may get better when you are away.

Binod Shankar is a CFA charterholder. He is a writer and consultant and runs Genesis, a financial training company

Name: Almnssa
Started: August 2020
Founder: Areej Selmi
Based: Gaza
Sectors: Internet, e-commerce
Investments: Grants/private funding

1. Black holes are objects whose gravity is so strong not even light can escape their pull

2. They can be created when massive stars collapse under their own weight

3. Large black holes can also be formed when smaller ones collide and merge

4. The biggest black holes lurk at the centre of many galaxies, including our own

5. Astronomers believe that when the universe was very young, black holes affected how galaxies formed


Men’s squad: Faisal Al Ketbi, Omar Al Fadhli, Zayed Al Kathiri, Thiab Al Nuaimi, Khaled Al Shehhi, Mohamed Ali Al Suwaidi, Farraj Khaled Al Awlaqi, Muhammad Al Ameri, Mahdi Al Awlaqi, Saeed Al Qubaisi, Abdullah Al Qubaisi and Hazaa Farhan

Women's squad: Hamda Al Shekheili, Shouq Al Dhanhani, Balqis Abdullah, Sharifa Al Namani, Asma Al Hosani, Maitha Sultan, Bashayer Al Matrooshi, Maha Al Hanaei, Shamma Al Kalbani, Haya Al Jahuri, Mahra Mahfouz, Marwa Al Hosani, Tasneem Al Jahoori and Maryam Al Amri

The specs

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Transmission: eight-speed automatic

Power: 582bhp

Torque: 730Nm

Price: Dh649,000

On sale: now  


Engine: 4-litre V8 twin-turbo
Power: 630hp
Torque: 850Nm
Transmission: 8-speed Tiptronic automatic
Price: From Dh599,000
On sale: Now

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What to watch out for:

Algae, waste coffee grounds and orange peels will be used in the pavilion's walls and gangways

The hulls of three ships will be used for the roof

The hulls will painted to make the largest Italian tricolour in the country’s history

Several pillars more than 20 metres high will support the structure

Roughly 15 tonnes of steel will be used


Heather, the Totality
Matthew Weiner,

Name: ARDH Collective
Based: Dubai
Founders: Alhaan Ahmed, Alyina Ahmed and Maximo Tettamanzi
Sector: Sustainability
Total funding: Self funded
Number of employees: 4
Thank You for Banking with Us

Director: Laila Abbas

Starring: Yasmine Al Massri, Clara Khoury, Kamel El Basha, Ashraf Barhoum

Rating: 4/5

Chef Nobu's advice for eating sushi

“One mistake people always make is adding extra wasabi. There is no need for this, because it should already be there between the rice and the fish.
“When eating nigiri, you must dip the fish – not the rice – in soy sauce, otherwise the rice will collapse. Also, don’t use too much soy sauce or it will make you thirsty. For sushi rolls, dip a little of the rice-covered roll lightly in soy sauce and eat in one bite.
“Chopsticks are acceptable, but really, I recommend using your fingers for sushi. Do use chopsticks for sashimi, though.
“The ginger should be eaten separately as a palette cleanser and used to clear the mouth when switching between different pieces of fish.”

The specs

  Engine: 2-litre or 3-litre 4Motion all-wheel-drive Power: 250Nm (2-litre); 340 (3-litre) Torque: 450Nm Transmission: 8-speed automatic Starting price: From Dh212,000 On sale: Now

Name: Airev
Started: September 2023
Founder: Muhammad Khalid
Based: Abu Dhabi
Sector: Generative AI
Initial investment: Undisclosed
Investment stage: Series A
Investors: Core42
Current number of staff: 47
What it means to be a conservationist

Who is Enric Sala?

Enric Sala is an expert on marine conservation and is currently the National Geographic Society's Explorer-in-Residence. His love of the sea started with his childhood in Spain, inspired by the example of the legendary diver Jacques Cousteau. He has been a university professor of Oceanography in the US, as well as working at the Spanish National Council for Scientific Research and is a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Biodiversity and the Bio-Economy. He has dedicated his life to protecting life in the oceans. Enric describes himself as a flexitarian who only eats meat occasionally.

What is biodiversity?

According to the United Nations Environment Programme, all life on earth – including in its forests and oceans – forms a “rich tapestry of interconnecting and interdependent forces”. Biodiversity on earth today is the product of four billion years of evolution and consists of many millions of distinct biological species. The term ‘biodiversity’ is relatively new, popularised since the 1980s and coinciding with an understanding of the growing threats to the natural world including habitat loss, pollution and climate change. The loss of biodiversity itself is dangerous because it contributes to clean, consistent water flows, food security, protection from floods and storms and a stable climate. The natural world can be an ally in combating global climate change but to do so it must be protected. Nations are working to achieve this, including setting targets to be reached by 2020 for the protection of the natural state of 17 per cent of the land and 10 per cent of the oceans. However, these are well short of what is needed, according to experts, with half the land needed to be in a natural state to help avert disaster.


Started: April 2017

Founders: Mostafa Kandil, Ahmed Sabbah and Mahmoud Nouh

Based: Cairo, Egypt

Sector: transport

Size: 450 employees

Investment: approximately $80 million

Investors include: Dubai’s Beco Capital, US’s Endeavor Catalyst, China’s MSA, Egypt’s Sawari Ventures, Sweden’s Vostok New Ventures, Property Finder CEO Michael Lahyani

Charlotte Gainsbourg


(Because Music)

ETFs explained

Exhchange traded funds are bought and sold like shares, but operate as index-tracking funds, passively following their chosen indices, such as the S&P 500, FTSE 100 and the FTSE All World, plus a vast range of smaller exchanges and commodities, such as gold, silver, copper sugar, coffee and oil.

ETFs have zero upfront fees and annual charges as low as 0.07 per cent a year, which means you get to keep more of your returns, as actively managed funds can charge as much as 1.5 per cent a year.

There are thousands to choose from, with the five biggest providers BlackRock’s iShares range, Vanguard, State Street Global Advisors SPDR ETFs, Deutsche Bank AWM X-trackers and Invesco PowerShares.