Gas storage tanks south-east of Algiers, Algeria. GE Power has signed the biggest deal in its history for operations and maintenance services for the state-owned  Sonelgaz. EPA / STR
Gas storage tanks south-east of Algiers, Algeria. GE Power has signed the biggest deal in its history for operations and maintenance services for the state-owned Sonelgaz. EPA / STR

Algeria gas deal biggest in GE Power’s history

GE has signed an agreement with Algeria’s Sonelgaz SPE, a subsidiary of the state-owned Sonelgaz, in what the US firm said is the largest services contract in GE Power’s history.

While the value of the agreement was not revealed, GE said it will help to save up to US$2 billion in gas that can sold in international markets. It will lead the digital industrial transformation of Sonelgaz’s plants throughout Algeria and strengthen local industrial capabilities, GE said.

The deal includes long-term operations and maintenance (O&M) services for 10 Sonelgaz plants throughout the country that generate 11 gigawatts of power, a capacity building system for energy efficiency that will deliver more than 420 megawatts of additional power with greater fuel efficiency, and the introduction of GE’s digital solutions, it said.

“The Algerian government and Sonelgaz have a clear vision for the future of the country’s power sector,” said Steve Bolze, the president and chief executive of GE Power. “The emphasis on building industrial capacity and the focus on the digital transformation of power-plant assets are long-term investments in the future of the country.”

The agreement was announced at the GE Algeria Turbines (GEAT) plant in Ain Yagout, a joint venture created in 2014 by GE and Sonelgaz, which will manufacture gas turbines and steam turbines for Sonelgaz’s power generation needs.

The Ain Yagout site in Batna, covering an area of 20 hectares, will annually be able to manufacture equipment with the capacity to generate up to 1.5 GW of power.

GEAT will employ between 300 and 350 people and its construction will create about 600 additional indirect jobs. It will also offer opportunities to develop a local supply chain, GE said.

Activities began at GEAT a few months ago after Sonelgaz placed the first order of four gas turbines and 2 steam turbines. The equipment will be delivered between 2019 and 2020 and will be connected to the national grid by 2021.

“The government’s top priority is to strengthen power generation in the country through a highly efficient, sustainable and productive infrastructure,” said the Algerian minister of energy, Noureddine Boutarfa. The new GEAT facility … is a strong value-add to the economy as they will boost our exports, enhance the efficiency of our power plants and create new jobs for Algerian youth.

GE will work with Algerian Engineering Services Company’s (Algesco) engineers to repair its 9FA gas turbine technology locally, creating more than 100 new engineering jobs and building a local centre of excellence for turbine repairs. First established in 1993, Algesco is a joint venture of GE with Sonatrach and Sonelgaz. GE said it will also train up to 1,000 Sonelgaz field engineers and operators on industry best practices to strengthen their expertise and competitiveness, which will potentially enable Sonelgaz to collaborate with GE on future O&M projects across Africa.

Today, GE Power’s technologies generate nearly 70 per cent of the electricity distributed across Algeria.​

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Favourite holiday destination: Spain

Favourite film: Bohemian Rhapsody

Favourite place to visit in the UAE: The beach or Satwa

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A new relationship with the old country

Treaty of Friendship between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United Arab Emirates

The United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United Arab Emirates; Considering that the United Arab Emirates has assumed full responsibility as a sovereign and independent State; Determined that the long-standing and traditional relations of close friendship and cooperation between their peoples shall continue; Desiring to give expression to this intention in the form of a Treaty Friendship; Have agreed as follows:

ARTICLE 1 The relations between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United Arab Emirates shall be governed by a spirit of close friendship. In recognition of this, the Contracting Parties, conscious of their common interest in the peace and stability of the region, shall: (a) consult together on matters of mutual concern in time of need; (b) settle all their disputes by peaceful means in conformity with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations.

ARTICLE 2 The Contracting Parties shall encourage education, scientific and cultural cooperation between the two States in accordance with arrangements to be agreed. Such arrangements shall cover among other things: (a) the promotion of mutual understanding of their respective cultures, civilisations and languages, the promotion of contacts among professional bodies, universities and cultural institutions; (c) the encouragement of technical, scientific and cultural exchanges.

ARTICLE 3 The Contracting Parties shall maintain the close relationship already existing between them in the field of trade and commerce. Representatives of the Contracting Parties shall meet from time to time to consider means by which such relations can be further developed and strengthened, including the possibility of concluding treaties or agreements on matters of mutual concern.

ARTICLE 4 This Treaty shall enter into force on today’s date and shall remain in force for a period of ten years. Unless twelve months before the expiry of the said period of ten years either Contracting Party shall have given notice to the other of its intention to terminate the Treaty, this Treaty shall remain in force thereafter until the expiry of twelve months from the date on which notice of such intention is given.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned have signed this Treaty.

DONE in duplicate at Dubai the second day of December 1971AD, corresponding to the fifteenth day of Shawwal 1391H, in the English and Arabic languages, both texts being equally authoritative.


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