In pictures: Hindu epic Ramayana goes online

British Library gathers antique Ramayana into one virtual location. Nobody else has seen it together for more than 150 years. The original folios ending up in the British Library, the CSMVS Museum in Mumbai, the Baroda Museum and Picture Gallery in Gujarat, the Rajasthan Oriental Research Institute in Jodhpur and a private collection, also in Mumbai. The chance to see the striking Ramayana seemed lost forever. Until now. All photos courtesy of British Library.

The specs

Engine: 3.8-litre, twin-turbo V8

Transmission: eight-speed automatic

Power: 582bhp

Torque: 730Nm

Price: Dh649,000

On sale: now  

Blackpink World Tour [Born Pink] In Cinemas

Starring: Rose, Jisoo, Jennie, Lisa

Directors: Min Geun, Oh Yoon-Dong

Rating: 3/5
