Born sleepy: One-time Oscar nominee Elizabeth Shue carries this postnatal depression storyline with verve.
Born sleepy: One-time Oscar nominee Elizabeth Shue carries this postnatal depression storyline with verve.

First Born

From the shlocky cover and cheesy tagline ("stay away from the baby") it looks like First Born is pure pulp-horror. This is rather misleading, as it's actually aiming to be a highly strung mix of psychodrama and the supernatural, much in the mould of 2000's What Lies Beneath. Laura (Elizabeth Shue) is a dancer who, along with her husband (Steven Mackintosh) moves from the big city to a spacious house in the countryside when she discovers she is pregnant with their first child. Here she is faced with the full gamut of horror movie clichés, including dead pets, cursed dolls, a creepy back story for the house, and a mysterious Eastern European nanny. Beneath all this hoopla, First Born is, in fact, about postnatal depression, and the Academy Award nominee Shue is rather good at conveying Laura's distress and alienation after her daughter is born. Unfortunately, any nuance in her performance is pretty much wasted as the film flip-flops between trying to be Girl, Interrupted and The Omen, not making a satisfying fist of either. Rather than adding up to a satisfying whole, these two strands undermine each other to the point where it feels like they belong in two separate films. The ending, which is intended as a moment of pure spine-chilling horror, is instead limp, flat, and more likely to elicit a shrug than a gasp.


Women’s World Twenty20 Qualifier

Jul 3- 14, in the Netherlands
The top two teams will qualify to play at the World T20 in the West Indies in November

UAE squad
Humaira Tasneem (captain), Chamani Seneviratne, Subha Srinivasan, Neha Sharma, Kavisha Kumari, Judit Cleetus, Chaya Mughal, Roopa Nagraj, Heena Hotchandani, Namita D’Souza, Ishani Senevirathne, Esha Oza, Nisha Ali, Udeni Kuruppuarachchi

What it means to be a conservationist

Who is Enric Sala?

Enric Sala is an expert on marine conservation and is currently the National Geographic Society's Explorer-in-Residence. His love of the sea started with his childhood in Spain, inspired by the example of the legendary diver Jacques Cousteau. He has been a university professor of Oceanography in the US, as well as working at the Spanish National Council for Scientific Research and is a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Biodiversity and the Bio-Economy. He has dedicated his life to protecting life in the oceans. Enric describes himself as a flexitarian who only eats meat occasionally.

What is biodiversity?

According to the United Nations Environment Programme, all life on earth – including in its forests and oceans – forms a “rich tapestry of interconnecting and interdependent forces”. Biodiversity on earth today is the product of four billion years of evolution and consists of many millions of distinct biological species. The term ‘biodiversity’ is relatively new, popularised since the 1980s and coinciding with an understanding of the growing threats to the natural world including habitat loss, pollution and climate change. The loss of biodiversity itself is dangerous because it contributes to clean, consistent water flows, food security, protection from floods and storms and a stable climate. The natural world can be an ally in combating global climate change but to do so it must be protected. Nations are working to achieve this, including setting targets to be reached by 2020 for the protection of the natural state of 17 per cent of the land and 10 per cent of the oceans. However, these are well short of what is needed, according to experts, with half the land needed to be in a natural state to help avert disaster.

First-round leaderbaord

-5 C Conners (Can)

-3 B Koepka (US), K Bradley (US), V Hovland (Nor), A Wise (US), S Horsfield (Eng), C Davis (Aus);

-2 C Morikawa (US), M Laird (Sco), C Tringale (US)

Selected others: -1 P Casey (Eng), R Fowler (US), T Hatton (Eng)

Level B DeChambeau (US), J Rose (Eng) 

1 L Westwood (Eng), J Spieth (US)

3 R McIlroy (NI)

4 D Johnson (US)