After seven episodes, Kathy Griffin quit Fashion Police. AP
After seven episodes, Kathy Griffin quit Fashion Police. AP

Fashion Police seems mismatched without Joan Rivers


Fashion Police isn't working, isn't funny and isn't condoned (at least, by some) for one simple reason: Joan Rivers isn't there.

Rivers was the host in whose time-honoured image Fashion Police was forged. Until her death at age 81 last summer, she made it required viewing for anyone looking to keep up with celebrities' kooky couture, while the accompanying potshots took those stars down a peg.

As host, Rivers was resolutely who she was throughout her long career: fearless, unapologetic and hilarious. She dished it out – and she took it. And her panel of “Joan Rangers” followed her lead.

With her death came the inevitable question: could Fashion Police continue in her absence?

In January, E! Entertainment brought it back as a series of specials with Kathy Griffin as the new host, joined by the returning Kelly Osbourne and Giuliana Rancic, with Brad Goreski replacing George Kotsiopoulos, and Melissa Rivers, Joan Rivers’s daughter, remaining its executive producer.

On Thursday, Griffin took to Twitter to announce she was gone. She had stayed for just seven episodes.

That was two weeks after Osbourne made her own brisk exit following Rancic’s red-carpet jibe about the biracial singer- actress Zendaya’s dreadlocks. Rancic had joked that they suggested the smell of marijuana. Zendaya accused her of racism. Rancic duly apologised. But Osbourne piled on with criticism of her own, then cut and ran.

On Friday, she was tweeting congratulations to Griffin for likewise bailing out: “I could not be more proud of you.”

Other celebs chimed in.

"Proud of u!!!" tweeted Rosie O'Donnell. "Cheers for doing what you think is right," echoed the Parks and Recreation actress Aubrey Plaza. Jane Lynch hailed her as "my brave and courageous friend".

And the columnist Meghan McCain tweeted that she was “super impressed with the reasoning Kathy Griffin gave for leaving fashion police”.

What was that reasoning?

In her statement, Griffin said, in part: “I do not want to use my comedy to contribute to a culture of unattainable perfectionism and intolerance towards difference,” adding that her goal is “to help women, gay kids, people of colour and anyone who feels underrepresented to have a voice and a LAUGH!

“My style does not fit with the creative direction of the show,” she concluded.

Maybe not. But her parting manifesto would suggest she had never seen Fashion Police in its glory days, when it was hosted by Rivers – her friend and mentor.

On one show, Rivers skewered a baggy, dizzyingly hued Alexander McQueen jumpsuit worn by the actress Marion Cotillard by saying: “The pattern looks like Precious sat on somebody’s butterfly collection.”

Or, as another relatively mild example, a dress worn by Jessica Alba sparked this salvo: “Last thing I saw that was that full and yellow was one of Hugh Hefner’s diapers.”

No doubt, Griffin has made a sensible departure from Fashion Police, a gig this otherwise accomplished comedian clearly wasn't suited for. But her decision to leave has been inexplicably greeted with thundering applause ("Thanks for being WHO YOU ARE," saluted Kristin Chenoweth on Twitter).

Since when does making a practical career move, especially when you’re bombing, warrant canonisation? Griffin, like Osbourne, has merely chosen to abandon a sinking ship – a ship, despite their best efforts, they helped run aground. There’s no higher moral purpose behind their retreat.

Griffin and Melissa Rivers declined to comment. During her Fashion Police tenure, Joan Rivers brought a delicious blend of energy, wit and nerve to the show. With no pretence of helping anybody, she drew on her pioneering legacy of put-downs and zingers (often aimed at herself) that mocked a world of vanities and bitter truths. If occasionally she went too far, she counted on a pass, because she knew she had earned it. She had paid her dues. Fashion Police ended with her death. No wonder now it's almost certainly a lost cause.
