Nothing is simple about a pair of Christian Louboutins, even the inspirations behind them:
Rantus Orlato Flat Pony Version Testa
“I call it Rantus, which is a nickname of a friend of mine, and so it’s all different types of animal print, so the idea is mixing all the different types of wild animals, leopard, zebra … all the animal mix in Africa. It’s very good with a cappuccino, I think.”
Diablo Flat Veau Velours Cendre 2
This shoe is based on the drawings from a 1930s-1940s series of large ceramic vases Louboutin came across in the South of France. “I have a passion for Wedgwood, for instance, so it’s a bit of a Wedgwood thing.”
Toerless Flat Calf Havane
This boot is based on the 1906 novel Les Désarrois de l'élève Törless (The Confusions of Young Torless), by the Austrian Robert Musil. "It's a beautiful, beautiful book about the problem of being a student who is sensitive and who is bullied, basically. I called it Toerless because it reminded me of a strict education ... when you are in a very strict college and things need to be very well-designed and proportioned."