<span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px">Project Kahkaha works closely with Palestinian refugees living in some of the most impoverished areas of Lebanon. </span> <span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px">The team's work is concentrated in camps like Sabra and Shatila, Burj El Barajneh and Mar Elias, and with the help of young people from across the country, they paint up houses and build playgrounds for kids in these neighbourhoods as well as leading workshops on the recycling of old clothes into new garments for sale.</span> <span style="letter-spacing: 0.0px">To support the continuing activities of Project Kahkaha, 22 UAE-based artists have donated works that go on sale on Saturday 9 June. </span> <span style="letter-spacing: 0px; ">Curated by The Domino, and hosted at<a href="http://www.thejamjardubai.com"> thejamjar</a>, this is a great opportunity to pick up new work by a bunch of new names - quite a number of the artists here are yet to find formal representation in Dubai but have been living and working here for some time. Konan Lim, for instance, brings this image and two other fine paintings to the table. </span> <span style="letter-spacing: 0px; ">All money raised goes straight to Project Kahkaha. </span>Art For Fun opens at 9pm on June 9. For more info see <a href="http://www.facebook.com/events/312842588792528/">here</a>, and for more about the team's activities go to <a href="http://projectkahkaha.blogspot.com" style="text-decoration: underline; ">projectkahkaha.blogspot.com</a>