Wonder Woman, as portrayed by Gal Gadot, graced the Burj Khalifa on Tuesday evening in anticipation of the release of the superhero's latest adventure. During the spectacle, visuals from the coming film, <em>Woman Woman 1984</em>, flashed across the facade of the world's tallest building, along with an audio soundtrack. The film, which will hit cinemas in the UAE on Thursday, December 17, sees Gadot reprise her role from 2017's <em>Wonder Woman</em>, with Patty Jenkins returning as director. The sequel also features Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig and Pedro Pascal. In a year when the film industry has been hard hit by the global pandemic, <em>Wonder Woman 1984</em> had its release delayed numerous times before finally setting on a date. The film takes place in 1984 during the Cold War, with Diana Prince now living in the US and working at a museum. Her first love, pilot Steve Trevor (Chris Pine), is long gone. So is the rest of her team. “She’s been very lonely, she doesn’t really want to engage and make new friends because then they’re gonna realise she doesn’t age, they’re gonna die and she has to let go,” says Gadot about the film. “So she kind of isolated herself from the world. And her only goal is just to help and better mankind and be there for them and guide them and try to do good.” It was also recently announced that the film will stream on HBO Max on Christmas Day, the same day it will hit US cinemas, as part of a new streaming strategy by Warner Bros. <strong>Scroll through our gallery below to see more images of 'Wonder Woman 1984' on the Burj Khalifa:</strong>