With so many openings in Dubai on an almost daily basis, I can’t get to them all and it is a full time job trying to keep up with the vast amount of new and high quality work being exhibited across town.
And so it was that I missed the opening of Urban Reflections when it opened in Cuadro Gallery in April.
So, it was a really pleasant surprise when I popped into the gallery yesterday to see the new show, that Vikram Divecha's series Variable Memories was still up in the rear room.
The artist, who has always been fascinated with the urban geography that surrounds him and has created some marvellous installations in the past has really surpassed himself this time.
He has taken photographs of details of older buildings in Dubai, printed them on metallic paper and encased them into the glass and metal window facades that are used in skyscrapers.
Not only are they visually appealing but seeing the older and more dilapidated buildings reflect back into the new and shiny facades starts a conversation that is pertinent to Dubai’s ever expanding landscape.
Thanks Vikram for your continuing marvellous practice.
* Urban Reflections runs until June 19th at the gallery.