Works such as this year's <i>Umm ad-Dunya</I> typify an aesthetic, that according to Lutfi 'draws people in, then makes them ask questions'.
Works such as this year's <i>Umm ad-Dunya</I> typify an aesthetic, that according to Lutfi 'draws people in, then makes them ask questions'.

Diva inspiration

Everywhere you turn, there's Oum Khalthoum. That heavy, impassive face - now in sunglasses, now with eyes whited out in a pantomime of horror - seeming to stare out of every frame. Very often she appears as the Statue of Liberty, or borne aloft on angels' wings. Indeed, in one piece, titled The Teacher, a tower of Khalthoums actually sit in the lotus position. A cage of chicken wire surrounds them - opening, perhaps significantly, towards the viewer. Does it mean to suggest that through the discipline of self-presentation one can achieve a sort of release? Or perhaps only that the viewer forms the fourth wall of the container.

Despite her death in 1975, Khalthoum, or Suma, as she is also known, is still recognised as Egypt's greatest diva. Her voice spanned five octaves and she could destroy microphones with her fiery melismas. Her songs - whirling, semi-improvised epics that lasted for hours apiece - paint love as a prison, a torture chamber. "Give me my freedom," she sang. "You took everything." The same words reappear throughout Huda Lutfi's exhibition; a good fit for a show which explores the traditional precincts of women. The exhibition's title, Zan'it al-Sittat, literally means "the place where women are squeezed together". The gallery brochure says that it's also the name of a marketplace in Alexandria, though the former reading is more obviously pertinent.

Cut-out photos of wifely figures are rolled and stuffed inside row upon row of perfume bottles. More of them plaster the sides of a doll-sized staircase and the window of a wall clock. These are faces from celebrity magazines, from fashion plates and catalogues. Most of the images seem to be quite old: paragons of a rather nostalgic ideal in feminine grooming, all pearly smiles and immovable hair. And again and again, there's Suma.

Strangely, Lutfi often refers to the singer simply as "Al-Sitt". There's a whole "Al-Sitt series", in which she stars; Al-Sitt and her Sunglasses, reads another title. It's a generic term: it means "woman". Somehow, the most singular of performers has become an emblem for her entire sex. What's going on? It may shed some light to mention that, before she became an artist, Huda Lutfi was an academic - a manipulator of concepts rather than forms. She's still one, and it shows a bit. Referring to her artistic practice she calls herself a "bricoleur" - a word which, while certainly fitting her scrapbook method of composition, also smacks more than a little of 1960s post-structuralism. Think of Derrida's famous line in Writing and Difference: "Every discourse is a bricoleur." It's the quintessential name-dropper's word.

Born in Cairo, Lutfi studied Islamic culture and history, receiving a doctorate in the subject from McGill University in Montreal. At the moment she teaches Arabic culture at the American University in Cairo. She only started making art in earnest during a spell as a visiting professor at Harvard. "There the professors are very spoilt," she says. "They only teach two graduate courses and they have the rest of the week. I was teaching one day, and the rest of the week I had free. No social life, nothing. So I started doing collages." After a few years she had made so many that friends urged her to exhibit them. And before long, Khalthoum started showing up in her work.

"She's my muse," Lutfi says with a quick laugh. "As a young girl, I grew up with her image. She had a very, very strong presence. She was not simply an artist, a talented singer - a fantastic singer. She was also a nationalist, a patriot, you know? She loved Egypt and she became Egypt's beloved. Not just Egypt, but I think the Arab world's beloved." The artist, however, has larger ambitions for her muse. "I want to create her as a universal feminine icon," she says, "to cross the boundaries of the Arab, or the Egyptian, and construct her as a universal icon. Because I think her trajectory in life is very inspiring for women, for me.

"She comes from a very harsh social background and she became one of the most important divas in contemporary history." For all her adoration of Khalthoum, Lutfi herself could hardly seem less of a diva. She's spry and angular with a light-footed, birdlike bearing - not an operatic presence at all. Her hair is short; her clothes chic, in a vaguely art deco way. She looks much younger than her 60 years. It's hard to imagine her identifying with Khalthoum's tough upbringing: she seems too carefully preserved, too much the product of a comfortable, health-conscious life.

But perhaps there are hints of youthful disappointment. I ask her why she went into academia. "My mother here is very important," she says, "because she always wanted to get education for herself. But her generation didn't get that opportunity of getting into university, getting a profession and so on, which she really wanted to do. So her child, her daughter - she wanted to push that daughter to get a higher education. I got my BA and MA and then my doctorate and became a professor, and that was her achievement. Her daughter got the highest education. But then, I think, a few years later, I just felt that what really interests me is working with my hands."

Such wistful reflections may cast an intriguing light on Lutfi's concern with the freedom of women. Certainly it's the only concrete anecdote about railroading that crops up in our conversation. Lutfi's stated opinion is that gender roles are external impositions, per se. Oddly though, the work itself seems to suggest more ambivalence on the question. The faces, bodies and clothes from which she assembles her collages are certainly lovely. But the collages are lovely, too, even when they set out to subvert those faces, bodies and clothes. In one of the Suma Mother of Liberty images, for instance, a row of Khalthoums fan out into a wide, shallow chevron: the singer appears as the Statue of Liberty, and each duplicate Suma possesses just one, vertiginously high-heeled leg. This refers, Lutfi explains, to "the idea that our liberty is lame, restricted".

"The one leg is really about balance," she says. "It's a lame kind of liberty." Yet the work itself is perfectly balanced - symmetrical, in fact - and, in the admirable sense, restrained. In its spacious composition, its muted silver and peach palette, it seems less an expression of anger than of stylish melancholy - a sort of exquisite weltschmerz. This may be deliberate. Lutfi explains: "I like to be very subtle, so I hide my provocative aspect behind an aesthetic that attracts people. Then when they come near the image they start to ask questions."

This said, the provocative aspects of the work are often very near the surface. There's a fair amount of chopped-up Barbie-doll business, for instance. One of the pieces in the exhibition is a pile of rubbery looking resin masks, lit from within to bring out the ghastly distortions in the moulding. Then there are moments of clanging agitprop: in Democracy is Coming! Khalthoum stands against a slate-grey sky as fighter jets swarm past behind her. "Very subtle" isn't quite how I'd describe it.

Indeed, what's most remarkable about the show is how harmonious it all is, seemingly in spite of Lutfi's efforts. The jagged elements from which the work is built up finally serve the aesthetic rather than the other way around. A pervasive elegance subsumes the confrontational elements. How did this happen? Lutfi takes up the story. "In retrospect I was always using the right side of my brain rather than my left," she says. "I was always interested in art but I never knew how to go about it, so I was always doing things with my hands."

One begins to suspect that her hands know something that she doesn't. On my way out I stop to look at another of the Sumas; her head sprouts from a tangle of tower blocks. She walks on six stilettoed feet. Eight graceful arms, like those of an Indian temple-dancer, protrude from her shoulders; another is popping out of her head. And yet, the most enigmatic thing is Khalthoum's half smile, her raised eyebrow, just visible above the Dame Edna sunglasses. Now she definitely knows something.

Zan'it al-Sittat, The Third Line Gallery, Al Quoz 3, Dubai (04 341 1376). Until Dec 4.

Greatest Royal Rumble results

John Cena pinned Triple H in a singles match

Cedric Alexander retained the WWE Cruiserweight title against Kalisto

Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt win the Raw Tag Team titles against Cesaro and Sheamus

Jeff Hardy retained the United States title against Jinder Mahal

Bludgeon Brothers retain the SmackDown Tag Team titles against the Usos

Seth Rollins retains the Intercontinental title against The Miz, Finn Balor and Samoa Joe

AJ Styles remains WWE World Heavyweight champion after he and Shinsuke Nakamura are both counted out

The Undertaker beats Rusev in a casket match

Brock Lesnar retains the WWE Universal title against Roman Reigns in a steel cage match

Braun Strowman won the 50-man Royal Rumble by eliminating Big Cass last

UPI facts

More than 2.2 million Indian tourists arrived in UAE in 2023
More than 3.5 million Indians reside in UAE
Indian tourists can make purchases in UAE using rupee accounts in India through QR-code-based UPI real-time payment systems
Indian residents in UAE can use their non-resident NRO and NRE accounts held in Indian banks linked to a UAE mobile number for UPI transactions

Name: ARDH Collective
Based: Dubai
Founders: Alhaan Ahmed, Alyina Ahmed and Maximo Tettamanzi
Sector: Sustainability
Total funding: Self funded
Number of employees: 4
The five pillars of Islam

1. Fasting

2. Prayer

3. Hajj

4. Shahada

5. Zakat 

About Proto21

Date started: May 2018
Founder: Pir Arkam
Based: Dubai
Sector: Additive manufacturing (aka, 3D printing)
Staff: 18
Funding: Invested, supported and partnered by Joseph Group

UAE currency: the story behind the money in your pockets
The Farewell

Director: Lulu Wang

Stars: Awkwafina, Zhao Shuzhen, Diana Lin, Tzi Ma

Four stars

Expert advice

“Join in with a group like Cycle Safe Dubai or TrainYAS, where you’ll meet like-minded people and always have support on hand.”

Stewart Howison, co-founder of Cycle Safe Dubai and owner of Revolution Cycles

“When you sweat a lot, you lose a lot of salt and other electrolytes from your body. If your electrolytes drop enough, you will be at risk of cramping. To prevent salt deficiency, simply add an electrolyte mix to your water.”

Cornelia Gloor, head of RAK Hospital’s Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy Centre 

“Don’t make the mistake of thinking you can ride as fast or as far during the summer as you do in cooler weather. The heat will make you expend more energy to maintain a speed that might normally be comfortable, so pace yourself when riding during the hotter parts of the day.”

Chandrashekar Nandi, physiotherapist at Burjeel Hospital in Dubai


Meatless Days
Sara Suleri, with an introduction by Kamila Shamsie

Tributes from the UAE's personal finance community

• Sebastien Aguilar, who heads, a non-profit community where people learn to invest Bogleheads’ style

“It is thanks to Jack Bogle’s work that this community exists and thanks to his work that many investors now get the full benefits of long term, buy and hold stock market investing.

Compared to the industry, investing using the common sense approach of a Boglehead saves a lot in costs and guarantees higher returns than the average actively managed fund over the long term. 

From a personal perspective, learning how to invest using Bogle’s approach was a turning point in my life. I quickly realised there was no point chasing returns and paying expensive advisers or platforms. Once money is taken care off, you can work on what truly matters, such as family, relationships or other projects. I owe Jack Bogle for that.”

• Sam Instone, director of financial advisory firm AES International

"Thought to have saved investors over a trillion dollars, Jack Bogle’s ideas truly changed the way the world invests. Shaped by his own personal experiences, his philosophy and basic rules for investors challenged the status quo of a self-interested global industry and eventually prevailed.  Loathed by many big companies and commission-driven salespeople, he has transformed the way well-informed investors and professional advisers make decisions."

• Demos Kyprianou, a board member of

"Jack Bogle for me was a rebel, a revolutionary who changed the industry and gave the little guy like me, a chance. He was also a mentor who inspired me to take the leap and take control of my own finances."

• Steve Cronin, founder of

"Obsessed with reducing fees, Jack Bogle structured Vanguard to be owned by its clients – that way the priority would be fee minimisation for clients rather than profit maximisation for the company.

His real gift to us has been the ability to invest in the stock market (buy and hold for the long term) rather than be forced to speculate (try to make profits in the shorter term) or even worse have others speculate on our behalf.

Bogle has given countless investors the ability to get on with their life while growing their wealth in the background as fast as possible. The Financial Independence movement would barely exist without this."

• Zach Holz, who blogs about financial independence at The Happiest Teacher

"Jack Bogle was one of the greatest forces for wealth democratisation the world has ever seen.  He allowed people a way to be free from the parasitical "financial advisers" whose only real concern are the fat fees they get from selling you over-complicated "products" that have caused millions of people all around the world real harm.”

• Tuan Phan, a board member of

"In an industry that’s synonymous with greed, Jack Bogle was a lone wolf, swimming against the tide. When others were incentivised to enrich themselves, he stood by the ‘fiduciary’ standard – something that is badly needed in the financial industry of the UAE."


UAE results
Lost to Oman by eight runs
Beat Namibia by three wickets
Lost to Oman by 12 runs
Beat Namibia by 43 runs

UAE fixtures
Free admission. All fixtures broadcast live on

Tuesday March 15, v PNG at Sharjah Cricket Stadium
Friday March 18, v Nepal at Dubai International Stadium
Saturday March 19, v PNG at Dubai International Stadium
Monday March 21, v Nepal at Dubai International Stadium

How to protect yourself when air quality drops

Install an air filter in your home.

Close your windows and turn on the AC.

Shower or bath after being outside.

Wear a face mask.

Stay indoors when conditions are particularly poor.

If driving, turn your engine off when stationary.

About RuPay

A homegrown card payment scheme launched by the National Payments Corporation of India and backed by the Reserve Bank of India, the country’s central bank

RuPay process payments between banks and merchants for purchases made with credit or debit cards

It has grown rapidly in India and competes with global payment network firms like MasterCard and Visa.

In India, it can be used at ATMs, for online payments and variations of the card can be used to pay for bus, metro charges, road toll payments

The name blends two words rupee and payment

Some advantages of the network include lower processing fees and transaction costs

Cinco in numbers

Dh3.7 million

The estimated cost of Victoria Swarovski’s gem-encrusted Michael Cinco wedding gown


The number, in kilograms, that Swarovski’s wedding gown weighed.


The hours it took to create Cinco’s vermillion petal gown, as seen in his atelier [note, is the one he’s playing with in the corner of a room]


How many looks Cinco has created in a new collection to celebrate Ballet Philippines’ 50th birthday


The hours needed to create the butterfly gown worn by Aishwarya Rai to the 2018 Cannes Film Festival.

1.1 million

The number of followers that Michael Cinco’s Instagram account has garnered.

The specs
Engine: Long-range single or dual motor with 200kW or 400kW battery
Power: 268bhp / 536bhp
Torque: 343Nm / 686Nm
Transmission: Single-speed automatic
Max touring range: 620km / 590km
Price: From Dh250,000 (estimated)
On sale: Later this year
ACL Elite (West) - fixtures

Monday, Sept 30

Al Sadd v Esteghlal (8pm)
Persepolis v Pakhtakor (8pm)
Al Wasl v Al Ahli (8pm)
Al Nassr v Al Rayyan (10pm)

Tuesday, Oct 1
Al Hilal v Al Shorta (10pm)
Al Gharafa v Al Ain (10pm)
