Ivan Parati & Emanuela Corti, part of Caravan Design Collective. Image courtesy of the artists
Ivan Parati & Emanuela Corti, part of Caravan Design Collective. Image courtesy of the artists

Designers behind window display at Galeries Lafayette talk to The Art Blog

Designers Emanuela Corti and Ivan Parati who are part of Caravan - a design collective - currently have an installation on view at Galeries Lafayette in Dubai Mall. Celebrating its passion for design and fashion, Galeries Lafayette have filled their windows with work by selected designers as part of the French department store’s creative showcase that ran over Dubai Design Week. The theme was Through The Lens. There is still time to catch it as it runs until November 6. Here we caught up with the two designers.

Q: Please describe your piece at Galeries Lafayette and tell me the inspiration behind it?

We have created a domestic landscape using iconic pieces that made the history of design - even the puppies and the birds are a tribute to design masters. This work wants to explore the immaterial condition behind everyday objects, something that has no tangible value or use by itself but constitutes one of the pillars of our materialistic society. The name of the installation SuperFluo is alluding at the colourful volumes appearing from the layers overlapping, at the same time, the impossibility of using those objects expresses the useless but inevitable nature of most of object that we like to collect nowadays. Design is often seen as a luxury statement while it should address epochal challenges and this is what we are trying to do through our works that is generally aiming at a cause or at spreading a strong message.

Q: How did you react to the theme Through The Lens?

We immediately thought that was a very challenging theme and this is inspiring for a designer, we always think about contaminating our works with other creative influences and photography plays an important role, we live in a visual culture where history is documented 24/7 through films and photos and sometime we get lost in this carousel of flashy pictures that are illusionary and truthful at the same time as our shop-window installation.

Q: Did you create your designs based on the audience and setting of the fashion store?

We wanted to express something that was related to design and furniture, we are Italian and design in our culture plays an important role, as much as the Mona Lisa does. Definitely an eye catching piece would benefit Galeries Lafyette that as a department store is appealing such a wide audience.

Q: What does it mean to you personally to be part of Dubai Design Week?

Being there is important, put a mark on Dubai map is necessary to spread our message and therefore we thank Galeries Lafayette for giving us this opportunity.

Q: What is your opinion of the design scene in the UAE and how it is developing in relation to the growing importance of events like Dubai Design Week?

The design scene here is extremely vibrant and dynamic; it’s the beginning of a new era that sees cutting edge experimental experiences alongside with more established ventures. Here things are changing constantly as the taste of the people that are becoming more and more design conscious. There is a lot to do in order to reach a wider audience and satisfy the multifaceted interest of the design people, but as a second edition of the event we have to admit that it had a promising line up of exhibitions, events and activities. As educators in the design field we value these happenings as gold for our students that need to be exposed to inspirations from an international pool of creative minds.

Find out more about Caravan Collective on their Facebook page