Desert Patrol on manoeuvres in the desert at Al-Mafraq. The Camel Corps were the original "Glubb's Girls". Recruited from Bedouin Arabs, they wore their hair in long ringlets, wore long-skirted robes and darkened their eyes with khol, 1952. Photo: George Rodger
In 1957, British photojournalist George Rodger and his wife Jinx embarked on a Trans-Sahara Expedition for National Geographic Magazine and other publications. Photo: George Rodger
Skeins of cotton hanging to dry in dyers souk, Tunis, Tunisia, 1958. Photo: George Rodger
British Army personnel on leave in Cairo visit the pyramids at Giza, 1941. Photo: George Rodger
Soldiers from the desert patrol on their camels about 100 km from Amman, Transjordan, Fort Mafrak, 1941. Photo: George Rodger
His Hashemite Highness Emir Adbullah ibn Hussein of Jordan, later to become King, Jordan, 1941. Photo: George Rodger
Soldiers of the Arab Legion, Transjordan, 1941. Photo: George Rodger
Desert Patrol on manoeuvres in the desert at Al-Mafraq. The Camel Corps were the original "Glubb's Girls". Recruited from Bedouin Arabs, they wore their hair in long ringlets, wore long-skirted robes and darkened their eyes with khol, 1952. Photo: George Rodger
In 1957, British photojournalist George Rodger and his wife Jinx embarked on a Trans-Sahara Expedition for National Geographic Magazine and other publications. Photo: George Rodger
Skeins of cotton hanging to dry in dyers souk, Tunis, Tunisia, 1958. Photo: George Rodger
British Army personnel on leave in Cairo visit the pyramids at Giza, 1941. Photo: George Rodger
Soldiers from the desert patrol on their camels about 100 km from Amman, Transjordan, Fort Mafrak, 1941. Photo: George Rodger
His Hashemite Highness Emir Adbullah ibn Hussein of Jordan, later to become King, Jordan, 1941. Photo: George Rodger
Soldiers of the Arab Legion, Transjordan, 1941. Photo: George Rodger
Desert Patrol on manoeuvres in the desert at Al-Mafraq. The Camel Corps were the original "Glubb's Girls". Recruited from Bedouin Arabs, they wore their hair in long ringlets, wore long-skirted robes and darkened their eyes with khol, 1952. Photo: George Rodger