Twitter Circle is here.
The new feature on the platform allows people to share their tweets to a smaller, select audience. It works similarly to Instagram’s “close friends” function in that it limits how many people can see a post.
On Twitter, users can add up to 150 people to a circle and it does not matter if they are a follower or not. The list can also be adjusted at any time without anyone being notified of any changes made. Users who are in the circle will not see who the other people are.
Users can also create more than one circle.
"Sometimes you just want to talk to your people. That’s why we created Twitter Circle, a new way to Tweet to a smaller crowd," says a post on the Twitter blog.
"With Twitter Circle, people now have the flexibility to choose who can see and engage with their content on a Tweet-by-Tweet basis. This makes it easier to have more intimate conversations and build closer connections with select followers."
How to use Twitter Circle

Before posting a tweet, there will be an option to share with your circle or full followers list.
Tweets sent to a circle will appear with a green badge. Tweets that are in a circle cannot be retweeted or shared. And all replies to tweets in a circle are private to those within it, even if the user’s account is public.
How to leave a Twitter Circle?
For those who get put into a Twitter Circle and do not want to be in it, there are a few ways to leave.
The first is to unfollow the person, which will remove you from the circle. However, you can be readded even if you do not refollow them.
Another option is to mute the Twitter user or the conversation if you don’t want to see the circle's tweets.
Finally, you can simply block the person, which will also remove you from their circle. However, if you choose to block a user, you will no longer see any of their content on your timeline.