Honourable Mention, South America: 'A Portrait of Absence' by Viviana Peretti, Italy.
Singles winner, Asia: 'Palestinian Children in Gaza' by Fatima Shbair, Palestine. Getty Images
Stories winner, Asia: 'The Cinema of Kabul' by Bram Janssen, the Netherlands. Associated Press
Stories winner, Asia: 'The Cinema of Kabul' by Bram Janssen, the Netherlands. Associated Press
Stories winner, Asia: 'The Cinema of Kabul' by Bram Janssen, the Netherlands. Associated Press
Stories winner, Asia: 'The Cinema of Kabul' by Bram Janssen, the Netherlands. Associated Press
Long-Term Projects winner, Asia: 'Boundaries: Human-Tiger Conflict', by Senthil Kumaran, India.
Long-Term Projects winner, Asia: 'Boundaries: Human-Tiger Conflict', by Senthil Kumaran, India.
Long-Term Projects winner, Asia: 'Boundaries: Human-Tiger Conflict', by Senthil Kumaran, India.
Long-Term Projects winner, Asia: 'Boundaries: Human-Tiger Conflict', by Senthil Kumaran, India.
Long-Term Projects winner, Asia: 'Boundaries: Human-Tiger Conflict', by Senthil Kumaran, India.
Long-Term Projects winner, Asia: 'Boundaries: Human-Tiger Conflict', by Senthil Kumaran, India.
Long-Term Projects winner, Asia: 'Boundaries: Human-Tiger Conflict', by Senthil Kumaran, India.
Long-Term Projects winner, Asia: 'Boundaries: Human-Tiger Conflict', by Senthil Kumaran, India.
Open Format winner, Asia: 'Blue Affair' by
Kosuke Okahara, Japan.
Open Format winner, Asia: 'Blue Affair' by
Kosuke Okahara, Japan.
Open Format winner, Asia: 'Blue Affair' by
Kosuke Okahara, Japan.
Open Format winner, Asia: 'Blue Affair' by
Kosuke Okahara, Japan.
Honourable Mention, Asia: 'Endless War' by Dar Yasin, India. Associated Press
Honourable Mention, Asia: 'Endless War' by Dar Yasin, India. Associated Press
Honourable Mention, Asia: 'Endless War' by Dar Yasin, India. Associated Press
Honourable Mention, Asia: 'Endless War' by Dar Yasin, India. Associated Press
Singles winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Slingshots' by Anonymous. The New York Times
Stories winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Saving Forests with Fire' by Matthew Abbott, Australia. National Geographic; Panos Pictures
Stories winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Saving Forests with Fire' by Matthew Abbott, Australia. National Geographic; Panos Pictures
Stories winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Saving Forests with Fire' by Matthew Abbott, Australia. National Geographic; Panos Pictures
Stories winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Saving Forests with Fire' by Matthew Abbott, Australia. National Geographic; Panos Pictures
Long-Term Project winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Haze' by Abriansyah Liberto, Indonesia.
Long-Term Project winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Haze' by Abriansyah Liberto, Indonesia.
Long-Term Project winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Haze' by Abriansyah Liberto, Indonesia.
Long-Term Project winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Haze' by Abriansyah Liberto, Indonesia.
Long-Term Project winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Haze' by Abriansyah Liberto, Indonesia.
Long-Term Project winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Haze' by Abriansyah Liberto, Indonesia.
Long-Term Project winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Haze' by Abriansyah Liberto, Indonesia.
Long-Term Project winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Haze' by Abriansyah Liberto, Indonesia.
Open Format winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'The Will to Remember' by Charinthorn Rachurutchata, Thailand.
Open Format winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'The Will to Remember' by Charinthorn Rachurutchata, Thailand.
Open Format winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'The Will to Remember' by Charinthorn Rachurutchata, Thailand.
Open Format winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'The Will to Remember' by Charinthorn Rachurutchata, Thailand.
Open Format winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'The Will to Remember' by Charinthorn Rachurutchata, Thailand.
Open Format winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'The Will to Remember' by Charinthorn Rachurutchata, Thailand.
Honourable Mention, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Uprising in Myanmar' by Ta Mwe, Myanmar. Sacca Photo
Honourable Mention, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Uprising in Myanmar' by Ta Mwe, Myanmar, Sacca Photo.
Honourable Mention, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Uprising in Myanmar' by Ta Mwe, Myanmar. Sacca Photo
Honourable Mention, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Uprising in Myanmar' by Ta Mwe, Myanmar. Sacca Photo
Singles winner, Africa: 'Sudan Protests' by Faiz Abubakr Mohamed, Sudan.
Stories winner, Africa: 'Afraid to go to School' by Sodiq Adelakun Adekola, Nigeria. Agence France-Presse
Stories winner, Africa: 'Afraid to go to School' by Sodiq Adelakun Adekola, Nigeria. Agence France-Presse
Stories winner, Africa: 'Afraid to go to School' by Sodiq Adelakun Adekola, Nigeria. Agence France-Presse
Stories winner, Africa: 'Afraid to go to School' by Sodiq Adelakun Adekola, Nigeria, Agence France-Presse.
Long-Term Projects winner, Africa: 'The Zebu War' by Rijasolo, Madagascar / France. Riva Press
Long-Term Projects winner, Africa: 'The Zebu War' by Rijasolo, Madagascar / France. Riva Press
Long-Term Projects winner, Africa: 'The Zebu War' by Rijasolo, Madagascar / France. Riva Press
Long-Term Projects winner, Africa: 'The Zebu War' by Rijasolo, Madagascar / France, Riva Press.
Long-Term Projects winner, Africa: 'The Zebu War' by Rijasolo, Madagascar / France. Riva Press
Long-Term Projects winner, Africa: 'The Zebu War' by Rijasolo, Madagascar / France, Riva Press.
Long-Term Projects winner, Africa: 'The Zebu War' by Rijasolo, Madagascar / France. Riva Press
Long-Term Projects winner, Africa: 'The Zebu War' by Rijasolo, Madagascar / France. Riva Press
Open Format winner, Africa: 'The Longing of the Stranger Whose Path Has Been Broken' by Rehab Eldalil, Egypt.
Open Format winner, Africa: 'The Longing of the Stranger Whose Path Has Been Broken' by Rehab Eldalil, Egypt.
Open Format winner, Africa: 'The Longing of the Stranger Whose Path Has Been Broken' by Rehab Eldalil, Egypt.
Open Format winner, Africa: 'The Longing of the Stranger Whose Path Has Been Broken' by Rehab Eldalil, Egypt.
Open Format winner, Africa: 'The Longing of the Stranger Whose Path Has Been Broken' by Rehab Eldalil, Egypt.
Open Format winner, Africa: 'The Longing of the Stranger Whose Path Has Been Broken' by Rehab Eldalil, Egypt.
Open Format winner, Africa: 'The Longing of the Stranger Whose Path Has Been Broken' by Rehab Eldalil, Egypt.
Open Format winner, Africa: 'The Longing of the Stranger Whose Path Has Been Broken' by Rehab Eldalil, Egypt.
Honourable Mention, Africa: 'Searching for Peace Amidst Chaos' by Amanuel Sileshi, Ethiopia. Agence France-Presse
Honourable Mention, Africa: 'Searching for Peace Amidst Chaos' by Amanuel Sileshi, Ethiopia. Agence France-Presse
Honourable Mention, Africa: 'Searching for Peace Amidst Chaos' by Amanuel Sileshi, Ethiopia. Agence France-Presse
Honourable Mention, Africa: 'Searching for Peace Amidst Chaos' by Amanuel Sileshi, Ethiopia. Agence France-Presse
Singles winner, Europe: 'Evia Island Wildfire' by Konstantinos Tsakalidis, Greece. Bloomberg News
Stories winner, Europe: 'As Frozen Land Burns' by Nanna Heitmann, Russia / Germany. Magnum Photos
Long-Term Projects winner, Europe: 'Ukraine Crisis' by Guillaume Herbaut, France. Agence VU
Open Format winner, Europe: 'The Book of Veles' by Jonas Bendiksen, Norway.
Honourable Mention, Europe: 'M+T' by Mary Gelman, Russia.
Singles winner, North and Central America: 'Kamloops Residential School' by Amber Bracken, Canada. The New York Times
Stories winner, North and Central America: 'The People Who Feed the United States' by Ismail Ferdous, Bangladesh. Agence VU
Long-Term Projects winner, North and Central America: 'Political Year Zero' by Louie Palu, Canada.
Honourable Mention, North and Central America: 'Amid High Mortality Rates, Black Women Turn to Midwives' by Sarah Reingewirtz, US. Photo: Los Angeles Daily News; Southern California News Group
Singles winner, South America: 'San Isidro Settlement Eviction' by Vladimir Encina, Colombia.
Stories winner, South America: 'The Promise' by Irina Werning, Argentina. Photo: Pulitzer Centre
Long-Term Projects winner: South America, 'Amazonian Dystopia' by Lalo de Almeida, Brazil. Photo: Folha de Sao Paulo; Panos Pictures
Long-Term Projects winner: South America, 'Amazonian Dystopia' by Lalo de Almeida, Brazil. Photo: Folha de Sao Paulo; Panos Pictures
Open Format winner, North and Central America: 'The Flower of Time. Guerrero's Red Mountain' by Yael Martinez, Mexico.
Open Format winner, South America: 'Blood is a Seed' by Isadora Romero, Ecuador.
Honourable Mention, South America: 'A Portrait of Absence' by Viviana Peretti, Italy.
Singles winner, Asia: 'Palestinian Children in Gaza' by Fatima Shbair, Palestine. Getty Images
Stories winner, Asia: 'The Cinema of Kabul' by Bram Janssen, the Netherlands. Associated Press
Stories winner, Asia: 'The Cinema of Kabul' by Bram Janssen, the Netherlands. Associated Press
Stories winner, Asia: 'The Cinema of Kabul' by Bram Janssen, the Netherlands. Associated Press
Stories winner, Asia: 'The Cinema of Kabul' by Bram Janssen, the Netherlands. Associated Press
Long-Term Projects winner, Asia: 'Boundaries: Human-Tiger Conflict', by Senthil Kumaran, India.
Long-Term Projects winner, Asia: 'Boundaries: Human-Tiger Conflict', by Senthil Kumaran, India.
Long-Term Projects winner, Asia: 'Boundaries: Human-Tiger Conflict', by Senthil Kumaran, India.
Long-Term Projects winner, Asia: 'Boundaries: Human-Tiger Conflict', by Senthil Kumaran, India.
Long-Term Projects winner, Asia: 'Boundaries: Human-Tiger Conflict', by Senthil Kumaran, India.
Long-Term Projects winner, Asia: 'Boundaries: Human-Tiger Conflict', by Senthil Kumaran, India.
Long-Term Projects winner, Asia: 'Boundaries: Human-Tiger Conflict', by Senthil Kumaran, India.
Long-Term Projects winner, Asia: 'Boundaries: Human-Tiger Conflict', by Senthil Kumaran, India.
Open Format winner, Asia: 'Blue Affair' by
Kosuke Okahara, Japan.
Open Format winner, Asia: 'Blue Affair' by
Kosuke Okahara, Japan.
Open Format winner, Asia: 'Blue Affair' by
Kosuke Okahara, Japan.
Open Format winner, Asia: 'Blue Affair' by
Kosuke Okahara, Japan.
Honourable Mention, Asia: 'Endless War' by Dar Yasin, India. Associated Press
Honourable Mention, Asia: 'Endless War' by Dar Yasin, India. Associated Press
Honourable Mention, Asia: 'Endless War' by Dar Yasin, India. Associated Press
Honourable Mention, Asia: 'Endless War' by Dar Yasin, India. Associated Press
Singles winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Slingshots' by Anonymous. The New York Times
Stories winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Saving Forests with Fire' by Matthew Abbott, Australia. National Geographic; Panos Pictures
Stories winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Saving Forests with Fire' by Matthew Abbott, Australia. National Geographic; Panos Pictures
Stories winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Saving Forests with Fire' by Matthew Abbott, Australia. National Geographic; Panos Pictures
Stories winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Saving Forests with Fire' by Matthew Abbott, Australia. National Geographic; Panos Pictures
Long-Term Project winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Haze' by Abriansyah Liberto, Indonesia.
Long-Term Project winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Haze' by Abriansyah Liberto, Indonesia.
Long-Term Project winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Haze' by Abriansyah Liberto, Indonesia.
Long-Term Project winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Haze' by Abriansyah Liberto, Indonesia.
Long-Term Project winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Haze' by Abriansyah Liberto, Indonesia.
Long-Term Project winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Haze' by Abriansyah Liberto, Indonesia.
Long-Term Project winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Haze' by Abriansyah Liberto, Indonesia.
Long-Term Project winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Haze' by Abriansyah Liberto, Indonesia.
Open Format winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'The Will to Remember' by Charinthorn Rachurutchata, Thailand.
Open Format winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'The Will to Remember' by Charinthorn Rachurutchata, Thailand.
Open Format winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'The Will to Remember' by Charinthorn Rachurutchata, Thailand.
Open Format winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'The Will to Remember' by Charinthorn Rachurutchata, Thailand.
Open Format winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'The Will to Remember' by Charinthorn Rachurutchata, Thailand.
Open Format winner, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'The Will to Remember' by Charinthorn Rachurutchata, Thailand.
Honourable Mention, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Uprising in Myanmar' by Ta Mwe, Myanmar. Sacca Photo
Honourable Mention, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Uprising in Myanmar' by Ta Mwe, Myanmar, Sacca Photo.
Honourable Mention, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Uprising in Myanmar' by Ta Mwe, Myanmar. Sacca Photo
Honourable Mention, South-East Asia and Oceania: 'Uprising in Myanmar' by Ta Mwe, Myanmar. Sacca Photo
Singles winner, Africa: 'Sudan Protests' by Faiz Abubakr Mohamed, Sudan.
Stories winner, Africa: 'Afraid to go to School' by Sodiq Adelakun Adekola, Nigeria. Agence France-Presse
Stories winner, Africa: 'Afraid to go to School' by Sodiq Adelakun Adekola, Nigeria. Agence France-Presse
Stories winner, Africa: 'Afraid to go to School' by Sodiq Adelakun Adekola, Nigeria. Agence France-Presse
Stories winner, Africa: 'Afraid to go to School' by Sodiq Adelakun Adekola, Nigeria, Agence France-Presse.
Long-Term Projects winner, Africa: 'The Zebu War' by Rijasolo, Madagascar / France. Riva Press
Long-Term Projects winner, Africa: 'The Zebu War' by Rijasolo, Madagascar / France. Riva Press
Long-Term Projects winner, Africa: 'The Zebu War' by Rijasolo, Madagascar / France. Riva Press
Long-Term Projects winner, Africa: 'The Zebu War' by Rijasolo, Madagascar / France, Riva Press.
Long-Term Projects winner, Africa: 'The Zebu War' by Rijasolo, Madagascar / France. Riva Press
Long-Term Projects winner, Africa: 'The Zebu War' by Rijasolo, Madagascar / France, Riva Press.
Long-Term Projects winner, Africa: 'The Zebu War' by Rijasolo, Madagascar / France. Riva Press
Long-Term Projects winner, Africa: 'The Zebu War' by Rijasolo, Madagascar / France. Riva Press
Open Format winner, Africa: 'The Longing of the Stranger Whose Path Has Been Broken' by Rehab Eldalil, Egypt.
Open Format winner, Africa: 'The Longing of the Stranger Whose Path Has Been Broken' by Rehab Eldalil, Egypt.
Open Format winner, Africa: 'The Longing of the Stranger Whose Path Has Been Broken' by Rehab Eldalil, Egypt.
Open Format winner, Africa: 'The Longing of the Stranger Whose Path Has Been Broken' by Rehab Eldalil, Egypt.
Open Format winner, Africa: 'The Longing of the Stranger Whose Path Has Been Broken' by Rehab Eldalil, Egypt.
Open Format winner, Africa: 'The Longing of the Stranger Whose Path Has Been Broken' by Rehab Eldalil, Egypt.
Open Format winner, Africa: 'The Longing of the Stranger Whose Path Has Been Broken' by Rehab Eldalil, Egypt.
Open Format winner, Africa: 'The Longing of the Stranger Whose Path Has Been Broken' by Rehab Eldalil, Egypt.
Honourable Mention, Africa: 'Searching for Peace Amidst Chaos' by Amanuel Sileshi, Ethiopia. Agence France-Presse
Honourable Mention, Africa: 'Searching for Peace Amidst Chaos' by Amanuel Sileshi, Ethiopia. Agence France-Presse
Honourable Mention, Africa: 'Searching for Peace Amidst Chaos' by Amanuel Sileshi, Ethiopia. Agence France-Presse
Honourable Mention, Africa: 'Searching for Peace Amidst Chaos' by Amanuel Sileshi, Ethiopia. Agence France-Presse
Singles winner, Europe: 'Evia Island Wildfire' by Konstantinos Tsakalidis, Greece. Bloomberg News
Stories winner, Europe: 'As Frozen Land Burns' by Nanna Heitmann, Russia / Germany. Magnum Photos
Long-Term Projects winner, Europe: 'Ukraine Crisis' by Guillaume Herbaut, France. Agence VU
Open Format winner, Europe: 'The Book of Veles' by Jonas Bendiksen, Norway.
Honourable Mention, Europe: 'M+T' by Mary Gelman, Russia.
Singles winner, North and Central America: 'Kamloops Residential School' by Amber Bracken, Canada. The New York Times
Stories winner, North and Central America: 'The People Who Feed the United States' by Ismail Ferdous, Bangladesh. Agence VU
Long-Term Projects winner, North and Central America: 'Political Year Zero' by Louie Palu, Canada.
Honourable Mention, North and Central America: 'Amid High Mortality Rates, Black Women Turn to Midwives' by Sarah Reingewirtz, US. Photo: Los Angeles Daily News; Southern California News Group
Singles winner, South America: 'San Isidro Settlement Eviction' by Vladimir Encina, Colombia.
Stories winner, South America: 'The Promise' by Irina Werning, Argentina. Photo: Pulitzer Centre
Long-Term Projects winner: South America, 'Amazonian Dystopia' by Lalo de Almeida, Brazil. Photo: Folha de Sao Paulo; Panos Pictures
Long-Term Projects winner: South America, 'Amazonian Dystopia' by Lalo de Almeida, Brazil. Photo: Folha de Sao Paulo; Panos Pictures
Open Format winner, North and Central America: 'The Flower of Time. Guerrero's Red Mountain' by Yael Martinez, Mexico.
Open Format winner, South America: 'Blood is a Seed' by Isadora Romero, Ecuador.
Honourable Mention, South America: 'A Portrait of Absence' by Viviana Peretti, Italy.