Readers react for and against proposals to label energy drinks sold in the UAE. Pawan Singh / The National
Readers react for and against proposals to label energy drinks sold in the UAE. Pawan Singh / The National

Are energy drink labels necessary or signs of a ‘nanny state’?

On your Facebook page you pose the question of whether energy drinks sold in the UAE should come with a warning label. (Energy drinks should carry a prominent health label, UAE forum hears. October 28)

Whats the point? They did this with cigarettes. Did it reduce the quantity of smokers?

They should start advertising campaigns at schools and universities to keep the young generation conscious about the damage and away from these drinks.

But to convince the young generation, you should make this look more cool than the ad campaigns for these energy drinks.

Julia Igonkina Sabra, Dubai

The ultimate decision regarding the consumption of such beverages is for consumers to make.

However, it should be the responsibility of manufacturers to provide the details of what their products contains, their effects or any other significant factor that is likely to influence the consumer’s decision.

It should be made mandatory for the drink manufacturers to state all the relevant details on the packaging/bottles because it may not change the decision of some but it will definitely help us make the right choices and create awareness.

Fatima Suhail, Dubai

Most people have no proper knowledge about energy drinks so labelling should definitely be introduced.

Salman Hassan, Dubai

Dubai property has a high price

With regard to your article, Dubai property: Bubble fears played down by Goldman Sachs' renewed interest (October 27), I don't think Dubai will be able to sustain the rising prices.

It won’t be able to, because regular working people who make up the majority of the population will not be able to afford it.

Name withheld by request

I think high-rise buildings, which are still being further developed almost everywhere in the world and especially in Asia, will be seen in the future as very bad and short-sighted investments.

Such buildings are very irrational. They are not only expensive to build, but they are very expensive to operate.

The 21st century is the time for rational use of resources and energy.

And it is very possible that already in the next 15-20 years the tenants of these buildings will simply leave these premises because they are too expensive.

Obviously, the owners must start now to think about how to get rid of unprofitable real estate until the time comes when the only correct solution is to dismantle these tall monsters.

Sergey Alexeev, Russia

Energy efficiency, not subsidies

The headline for your story, Arab states need 'new relationship with oil' (October 29), leads me to comment on the need for informed commentary on energy policy in the GCC.

In my view, the issue of subsidies muddies the water.

I accept the notion that nationals own their country and their corresponding rights or entitlements define the social contracts underlying the fabric of their society.

If we recognise that a large proportion of GCC residents are expats (87 per cent in Qatar, 84 per cent in the UAE, 68 per cent in Kuwait, 51 per cent in Bahrain, 39 per cent in Oman and 32 per cent in Saudi Arabia) the issue is obviously not energy efficiency but rather the political and social fabric of the GCC countries.

The focus of informed comment on energy policy needs to be on better utilisation of the GCC power grid, decentralised and off-grid power, the nuclear option and centralised cooling networks.

It’s easy to talk about subsidies – but it is not an efficiency issue.

Prodeep Mookerjee, Dubai

Disability does not affect PM’s role

The title of your article (Bouteflika's attempts to stay in power bode ill for Algeria, October 17) raised my expectations and I settled down for what I thought was a potential great read.

What a let down right from the outset.

Special needs people will “appreciate” [author Abdelkader] Cheref’s assertion that “the world discovered that the president was using a wheelchair... Many were wondering if he was physically fit to govern”.

Have you ever heard of Stephen Hawking, Mr Cheref? A physical disability does not in any way impede someone from carrying out official duties like government business for example.

Unless, of course, you are expecting Bouteflika to mix it with the likes of Usain Bolt and run the 100 metre dash in the course of his mandate.

I was expecting a piece of investigative journalism but I soon realised I was being served the usual gossip and hearsay.

Name witheld by request


Company profile


Founder: Kamal Nazha

Based: Dubai

Founded: 2020

Number of employees: 5

Sector: Technology

Funding: $450,000

'Tell the Machine Goodnight' by Katie Williams 
Penguin Randomhouse


Starring: Josh Hartnett, Saleka Shyamalan, Ariel Donaghue

Director: M Night Shyamalan

Rating: 3/5

Living in...

This article is part of a guide on where to live in the UAE. Our reporters will profile some of the country’s most desirable districts, provide an estimate of rental prices and introduce you to some of the residents who call each area home. 

Sukuk explained

Sukuk are Sharia-compliant financial certificates issued by governments, corporates and other entities. While as an asset class they resemble conventional bonds, there are some significant differences. As interest is prohibited under Sharia, sukuk must contain an underlying transaction, for example a leaseback agreement, and the income that is paid to investors is generated by the underlying asset. Investors must also be prepared to share in both the profits and losses of an enterprise. Nevertheless, sukuk are similar to conventional bonds in that they provide regular payments, and are considered less risky than equities. Most investors would not buy sukuk directly due to high minimum subscriptions, but invest via funds.