Measuring Syria’s war

What is one to make of the destruction of Syria's ancient heritage, demonstrated most recently by the battle for control of Krak des Chevaliers, an 11th century crusader castle at Al Hosn? How can damage to a structure, even one that has stood for 1,000 years, be compared to the horrendous human toll of the Syrian conflict, regardless of whether it is measured in terms of those killed outright, those who died of starvation, the millions who have been displaced internally and externally, or the generation of children who will miss out on a proper education and fall victim to preventable diseases like polio?

Yet the damage incurred by Syria’s architectural heritage still warrants consideration. Aleppo has suffered disproportionately and Unesco has nominated sites for particular concern in the historic oasis city of Palmyra, Krak des Chevaliers, the Fortress of Saladin and ancient parts of Damascus and Bosra.

When peace finally returns to this nation, rebuilding Syria’s physical heritage is likely to prove easier than repairing the damage done to its social fabric. The death toll of more than 140,000 shows that unlike bricks, stone and timber, some things can never be put back together.

War and the virus