A case of nostalgia for the Abdel Nasser era

Post-revolution Egypt has evoked nostalgia of president Gamal Abdel Nasser's rule after the 1952 uprising, Abdel Halim Qandil wrote in an opinion article in the pan-Arab newspaper Al Quds Al Arabi.

The moves of Egypt’s president, Mohammed Morsi, are not comparable to those of Abdel Nasser, whose mausoleum stands like a political and social landmark in the country, the writer noted.

A growing recognition of Abdel Nasser is noticeable even among some liberals and Islamist opponents, who tend to contrast the former leader with Mr Morsi, who just completed 100 days in office, he wrote.

For instance, Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh, the Brotherhood figure who came fourth in the presidential race, criticised Mr Moris’s “confused and antirevolutionary” approach while praising Abdel Nasser’s “revolutionary leadership”. He, however, remains critical of Abdel Nasser over freedom of expression.

When President Morsi made some unpleasant remarks about the former president in one of his speeches, he ended up being ridiculed.

“Morsi himself, coming from a poor family, would not have been educated without the free education provided by Abdel Nasser’s system,” the author noted.

This led Mr Morsi “to go left” towards Abdel Nasser, imitating his gestures and praising him openly at the Non-Aligned summit in Tehran.

In the same vein, Abdelilah Belqziz wrote in an article in the Sharjah-based Al Khaleej newspaper that when the political history of the modern Arab nation will be written objectively, the Abdel Nasser era – 1954 to 1970 – will be regarded as the sublime moment in it.

“It’s almost the only moment when Arabs entered modern human history as partners … and gained respect from both friends and foes,” he wrote.

The period of Abdel Nasser has unfairly been criticised by many even though it was an era of “enlightenment and progress”, he added.

The writer listed some of Abdel Nasser’s achievements that he believes his detractors cannot blur.

Abdel Nasser enforced agricultural reform and land redistribution, and built the High Dam.

He launched an industrial revolution, nationalised the Suez Canal and big companies, fought to eradicate poverty and class stratification, and guaranteed free access to education.

He backed Arab liberation movements, boosted Arab solidarity and always put Palestine at the heart of his policies, thus placing Egypt in the leadership position in the Arab world.

Abdel Nasser was not infallible, the writer admitted, but his mistakes were nothing compared to his feats. Thus, he would be revered by the Arab people, despite smear campaigns, the writer said.

The worst is yet to come in Syria

Turkey’s president, Abdullah Gul, said on Monday that the “worst case scenarios” are playing out in Syria at the moment and that Turkey would do anything it deemed necessary to protect itself.

In a comment, Tariq Al Homayed, the editor of the London-based newspaper Asharq Al Awsat, wrote: "Certainly, the course of events in Syria since the beginning of the revolution has been slipping towards the worse, but matters have yet to reach the bottom. In fact, they are susceptible to get even worse as destruction threatens to spread to the entire country."

The reason is simply that the international community continues its efforts to deal with the Syrian revolution with frightening recklessness.

It isn’t enough to blame just the Russians and the Chinese for blocking any feasible resolutions at the UN Security Council. The international community can also do a lot more to rescue Syria.

The Assad regime wouldn’t have dared to lie and to kill so many people had the world not shown leniency towards it.

“The longer the situation in Syria remains unresolved the more likely it is that its fire would spread across the border, and mainly to Lebanon. Delaying the solution would mean entrenching extremism and sectarianism in the region. Arming the opposition is a must, notwithstanding the outcome of the US elections,” he concluded.

Hatemongers use new media to spit venom

In the long course of human history, there have always been heated conflicts between ethnicities, where all means of propaganda and incitement have been used, wrote Nasrin Morad in yesterday's edition of the UAE-based newspaper Al Bayan.

“At times, the confrontation would take frightening turns,” she said. And the lower classes would often be used as fuel for religious clashes, risking their property and blood to the detriment of their future generations.

“The human soul is the same across the continents, with some trivial discrepancies,” she noted. “But these minor differences can be a large battleground for manipulators.”

With the significant development in social communication, these manipulators have found a platform to spit their venom. Yet these schemers are able to strike a chord with a large number of people who have retained old, stereotypical views towards different peoples and faiths.

“Now, to instigate the feelings of a group, one has only to post some cheap material on a media tool such as Facebook, YouTube or Twitter … and go to bed peacefully,” she added.

People ready to wage an endless war in defence of religion, disregarding the damage caused by their methods, are unfortunately in no short supply.

* Digest compiled by
Abdelhafid Ezzouitni


'Young girls thinking of big ideas'

Words come easy for aspiring writer Afra Al Muhairb. The business side of books, on the other hand, is entirely foreign to the 16-year-old Emirati. So, she followed her father’s advice and enroled in the Abu Dhabi Education Council’s summer entrepreneurship course at Abu Dhabi University hoping to pick up a few new skills.

“Most of us have this dream of opening a business,” said Afra, referring to her peers are “young girls thinking of big ideas.”

In the three-week class, pupils are challenged to come up with a business and develop an operational and marketing plan to support their idea. But, the learning goes far beyond sales and branding, said teacher Sonia Elhaj.

“It’s not only about starting up a business, it’s all the meta skills that goes with it -- building self confidence, communication,” said Ms Elhaj. “It’s a way to coach them and to harness ideas and to allow them to be creative. They are really hungry to do this and be heard. They are so happy to be actually doing something, to be engaged in creating something new, not only sitting and listening and getting new information and new knowledge. Now they are applying that knowledge.”

Afra’s team decided to focus their business idea on a restaurant modelled after the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Each level would have a different international cuisine and all the meat would be halal. The pupils thought of this after discussing a common problem they face when travelling abroad.

“Sometimes we find the struggle of finding halal food, so we just eat fish and cheese, so it’s hard for us to spend 20 days with fish and cheese,” said Afra. “So we made this tower so every person who comes – from Africa, from America – they will find the right food to eat.”


UAE v Gibraltar

What: International friendly

When: 7pm kick off

Where: Rugby Park, Dubai Sports City

Admission: Free

Online: The match will be broadcast live on Dubai Exiles’ Facebook page

UAE squad: Lucas Waddington (Dubai Exiles), Gio Fourie (Exiles), Craig Nutt (Abu Dhabi Harlequins), Phil Brady (Harlequins), Daniel Perry (Dubai Hurricanes), Esekaia Dranibota (Harlequins), Matt Mills (Exiles), Jaen Botes (Exiles), Kristian Stinson (Exiles), Murray Reason (Abu Dhabi Saracens), Dave Knight (Hurricanes), Ross Samson (Jebel Ali Dragons), DuRandt Gerber (Exiles), Saki Naisau (Dragons), Andrew Powell (Hurricanes), Emosi Vacanau (Harlequins), Niko Volavola (Dragons), Matt Richards (Dragons), Luke Stevenson (Harlequins), Josh Ives (Dubai Sports City Eagles), Sean Stevens (Saracens), Thinus Steyn (Exiles)

Start times

5.55am: Wheelchair Marathon Elites

6am: Marathon Elites

7am: Marathon Masses

9am: 10Km Road Race

11am: 4Km Fun Run

Neil Thomson – THE BIO

Family: I am happily married to my wife Liz and we have two children together.

Favourite music: Rock music. I started at a young age due to my father’s influence. He played in an Indian rock band The Flintstones who were once asked by Apple Records to fly over to England to perform there.

Favourite book: I constantly find myself reading The Bible.

Favourite film: The Greatest Showman.

Favourite holiday destination: I love visiting Melbourne as I have family there and it’s a wonderful place. New York at Christmas is also magical.

Favourite food: I went to boarding school so I like any cuisine really.

Sheikh Zayed's poem

When it is unveiled at Abu Dhabi Art, the Standing Tall exhibition will appear as an interplay of poetry and art. The 100 scarves are 100 fragments surrounding five, figurative, female sculptures, and both sculptures and scarves are hand-embroidered by a group of refugee women artisans, who used the Palestinian cross-stitch embroidery art of tatreez. Fragments of Sheikh Zayed’s poem Your Love is Ruling My Heart, written in Arabic as a love poem to his nation, are embroidered onto both the sculptures and the scarves. Here is the English translation.

Your love is ruling over my heart

Your love is ruling over my heart, even a mountain can’t bear all of it

Woe for my heart of such a love, if it befell it and made it its home

You came on me like a gleaming sun, you are the cure for my soul of its sickness

Be lenient on me, oh tender one, and have mercy on who because of you is in ruins

You are like the Ajeed Al-reem [leader of the gazelle herd] for my country, the source of all of its knowledge

You waddle even when you stand still, with feet white like the blooming of the dates of the palm

Oh, who wishes to deprive me of sleep, the night has ended and I still have not seen you

You are the cure for my sickness and my support, you dried my throat up let me go and damp it

Help me, oh children of mine, for in his love my life will pass me by. 
