Florida senator tells 'socialist and communist' liberals not to visit his state

Video by Rick Scott renews debate over partisan travel to southern state

Republican Senator Rick Scott is being criticised this week for a video issuing a "travel warning" against people who believe in socialism, communism or big government visiting his state of Florida.

"Let me give you a travel warning: If you're a socialist, communist, somebody that believes in big government, I would think twice … if you're thinking about taking a vacation or moving to Florida, we're the free state of Florida," he said in a video posted on Twitter.

Mr Scott made reference to people who may have lived under socialist governments and are now living in Florida.

"Socialism is not good. It's not good for anybody," he said.

"So if you're thinking about it, if you think about coming forward and you're socialist or communist, think twice," he said, despite the state's biggest industry being tourism.

"We like freedom, liberty, capitalism, things like that."

Mr Scott has been a senator since 2019 and intends to run again for the same seat – after disputing plans for presidential hopes in 2024.

The video was first posted earlier in June but right-leaning media, such as Fox News and other outlets, picked it up when Mr Scott reposted it on Tuesday.

MSNBC and other left-leaning commentators responded on Wednesday.

Mr Scott also issued a press release detailing a "travel advisory for socialists visiting Florida" in May.

Florida's median age for its population is among the highest for US states and territories, as many retirees prefer the warm southern state for their later years.

Older US Americans also tend to take advantage of Social Security benefits and Medicare health insurance, services that some may consider to be socialist.

The National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People, League of United Latin-American Citizens and Equality Florida issued travel advisories warning black, Latino and LGBTQ Americans not to travel to Florida for safety concerns in May.

Updated: June 28, 2023, 8:21 PM