Saudi mission attacks in Iran are ‘unacceptable’, says Oman

Oman expressed regret on Wednesday at attacks on Saudi diplomatic missions in Iran over Riyadh’s execution of a Shiite leader, but stopped short of recalling its ambassador or cutting ties.

MUSCAT // Oman expressed regret on Wednesday at attacks on Saudi diplomatic missions in Iran over Riyadh’s execution of a Shiite leader, but stopped short of recalling its ambassador or cutting ties.

Wednesday’s remarks from Oman were its first over the ongoing tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran, which began with the kingdom’s execution of Sheikh Nimr Al Nimr. Iranian protesters, angered by the execution, later attacked the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and a consulate in Mashhad.

“A statement issued by the foreign ministry said that the Sultanate considers this action unacceptable and at the same time affirms the importance of finding new rules that prohibit any kind of intervention in countries’ internal affairs,” the Oman News Agency reported.

Saudi Arabia cut ties with Iran on Sunday in response to the storming of its embassy. Bahrain followed suit, while the UAE downgraded its ties with Iran and Kuwait recalled its envoy to Tehran.

Oman’s ruler, Sultan Qaboos, orchestrated secret US-Iran contacts that began in Muscat in 2012, leading to the first formal talks between the United States and Iran since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, paving the way for last July’s nuclear deal.

* Agencies

Updated: January 06, 2016, 12:00 AM